...I love Emmett. He's so funny. xD
I have to go shopping for some supplies. Our class has to make a banner for our class. We have it planned out, I just need to get the paint and paper.
I didn't think so.
Whatcha Gonna Do With It ~ Family Force 5 That's the only song I like by them.
twilit_shadow has one, but I don't know if you know her or not.
Yeah, I only know about two or three others who have one. xD
Oh, I have a fanfiction.net profile. Haven't been on it in a while, though.
Oh, you're writing a Twlight fic? That's pretty neat. ^^
Yup. So, how was your day?
I guess. I was actually prepared for it. xD Oh, okay.
It was fine; the test was canceled, so we're having tomorrow. What's that?
Very yummy.
Probably not. xD Oh well, no biggie.
I can't drive. D: And besides, my grandpa won't buy it since I had BK tonight.
Yum...I'm jealous. xD I haven't have KFC in ages...
K...F...C? I love KFC! ...now I want some. xD I had Burger King tonight. 8D
*hugs* Dude, I know how you feel. I lost three friends in six months. It feels horrible when you lose someone close to you. I hope everything tuns out okay, for you and her family.
Yeah, but I'm too lazy to do it. And my hand hurts from writing so much. Enough about me; what's up?
xDD I don't want to study Math. ._.
I'm almost finsihed, don't worry. xD