Dude, that's actually a really good theory. It makes a lot sense, and knowing Square Enix, they would totally do something like that or something along those lines. Good theory.
The World Ends With You. Best game ever. It's for the DS and is very fun. Great storyline, plot, characters, music, etc.
There is also the confusion about whether or not the person you love loves you back. That's the most...I'm not going to say annoying...I guess stressful feeling towards love. Love at the same time, though, can be the best feeling in the whole world. You know the days when you woke up in a horrible mood and everything is going horrible within the first two or three hours, you see the person you love and everything changes. It's like your a completely different person.
I'm so close to premmy. 8D 'Bout time too, I've been a member for two dang years. xD
...*pokes* Y r u not onlin? I r bored. I feel like tlkin. ...Yeah, I have no idea where that came from. ._.
I know I'm a day late on here, but I was on time on dA! So...*takes a deep breath* HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 8D
Just the theme I was going for. ^^ I didn't want the text to stand out...I guess I just went a bit too low on the opacity.
Well, thought I should post something here graphic wise since I haven't in...a very long time. I made this about a week ago in a little less than ten minutes. I was bored and all I had was GIMP. v1. v2. CnC?
Love is also very confusing. ._. I can't really elaborate on this considering this would be talking about my private life, but from experience, I can say that love is very, very, very confusing.
YES. I was in complete "omg" mode at that moment. Spoiler Another one would have to be from Bleach. The part when Orihime is about to go to Heuco Mundo but decides to say goodbye to Ichigo. I seriously thought that she was going to kiss him, I was all excited and everything, but she chickened out. I was all "nooooo. D:"
All right, I'm pretty sure that there have to be other fans on this site, and seeing as how there aren't any topics on them, I might as well start one. So, who else listens to this group? I, personally, adore them. They are a great rock group with a great message for each of their songs. And their vocalist is just fantastic. My favorite song by them would have to be Forever. Other favorites would be Stand Up, You Decide, Unbreakable, More Than a Love Song, and a few others. Here's their song Unbreakable. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCUfHQSsC2c&fmt=18#
Dude, thanks for this. I'm just glad they're bringing Ars Arcanum and Ragnarok back. I used to love using those in KH. Fatal Mode sounds like it should be interesting.
I loved Chernabog when I was little; he was definitely one of my favorite villains. My ultimate favorite would have to be...Jafar. I don't know why, but I just love that guy. It's rather odd, actually. o.o
It's nice and simple; good job. The only thing is that there are way too many focals, but since you're theme is the whole family, I guess we can make one suggestion. The blue line in the back is a bit distracting, but it's all right.
I actually like this. ^^ The only thing I would say is that the dinosaur is a bit oversharpened, but it works well with this tag.
I can't hear your voice at all in the first one. You need to speak just a little bit louder next time. ^^ A very interesting concept you mentioned in the second one. It could possibly work.