Your post wasn't even worth my time to give you my opinion on the subject. Mostly due to the lack of maturarity you have shown on this thread.
And I guess you clearly have issues on just letting people express their own opinions.
Well, the first vid I ever saw was the commercial for it when it first came out. I don't know if this counts.
Yeah, you can fight against him in Kh final mix. He can be a pain at first, but once you figure out his all bosses he is easy.
You are persistant. I'll give you that much.
They're are a lot of first person shooters that might be better on the wii. But as long as it is a microsoft it will never come to the wii. But granted it is still a sweet idea.
Cause I don't want to have a hung over HB tomorrow.
One more is your limit mi amor.
Solid Snake has more of the experiance. But Leon would put up quite a fight. Though my vote still goes for Snake.
Because I like to wear eye patches like a pirate.
I hate being called patches.
June 11 and I got back at Aug 27
I get out late but go back eariler.
I'm already back in school.
I feel pretty oh so pretty.
I'm doing swell. Yes, I just used swell.
That they can be.
I'm kinda nice I guess. When I am in a good mood n_n
It seems I stumbled in on this place again n_n.
It is easy once you figure it out.