Yeah, there is always that... Kinda makes me feel better, but I'm sad at the same time...
Emotion Sickness - Silverchair
Yeah, and if you have this pne Nickelodeon channel, they play Rocko! It's exciting. You know, it's kind of weird... When we're little, we never think that we may never see these TV shows again... We take all the seemingly small things for granted, and we regret it later on in our lives... Wow, that was really cheesey!
Crap. My bad! "...You know why I talk to that guy? 'Cause when that day finally comes where he snaps, and he comes into work with a sawed-off shotgun, walking through the halls, *shooting and reloading noises* and he finally gets to my office, he's gonna be like, "*gasp* Thanks for the candy!" -Dane Cook ('Creepy Guy at Work')
Oh, don't worry, I'm 13 too, but I remember all of it! Who else remembers the Bananas in Pajamas? I miss the old Disney Channel.
House of Wolves- My Chemical Romance
That's never a bad thing...
I'd use it!
The Phrase That Pays - The Academy Is...
You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison- My Chemical Romance
"Santa Clause will eat your toes off if he sees them!" --- My mom (She was talking to my nephew and he wouldn't put his socks on, then somehow they got onto the subject of Santa Clause...)
Praise the Lord... Hallelujah... Pass the gravy!!! --- My sister (Don't ask, she's weird that way...)
Mine are the same age. 43 My mom's older by a few months and days...
Cadillac- Mest
Ditto for me. ...Man, now I wish I were little again!
T.T Now I feel really old. I still have my old Power Rangers and Garfield blankets in my closet. The original MarioKart for the 64... I miss playing the old Nintendo systems. I know where the 64 is... The original is in my sister's room... And the Super is in the attic... I'm gonna steal them all and put them in my room. =DD Remember when Tommy and Kimberly broke up caused a whole big scene? And when Link had brown hair, like in Twilight? ...That isn't off-topic, is it?
Isn't that a good thing?
Yep, sure do!
Man, I miss 'Freakazoid'! Last year, we still watched Bill Nye. Makes me want to go back to being a little kid. 'Pinky and the Brain' theme song always stuck in my head, the whole 'orange soda' thing from Kel... Even now, my cousin and I sing the 'Camp Salute Your Shorts' theme song everytime we see each other... Stupid, I know, but we've done it since we were kids... And I miss Face. He ruled.
Oh, totally! I like the end of 'The Interview'. I like to hear Jade sing.