Silver and Cold - AFI
Cute Without the 'E' - Taking Back Sunday
Still Waiting - Sum 41
Hm. That's interesting. A friend of mine is left-handed and she draws brilliantly. One of my teachers always jokes about how people are in their right mind if they're left-handed... It's really not that funny, though...
Yeah, happy birthday! Hope it's a good one!
First Date - Blink-182
Chianne and me were talking about how huge my frog is... Chianne: I'm scared to stay overnight here, now. Me: Why? Chianne: Have you seen that beast lately?! He's a monster! I swear, one day, it's gonna be huge, and when I'm sleeping over, it's gonna bust out of its cage and eat me alive! Me: My mom says we should eat him for Easter dinner. I wouldn't, though. Chianne: When he gets bigger than what he is now, you're gonna have to put him in the zoo with that cat of yours! Me: DUN'T INSULT MY POLEY BEAR! (My cat looks like a polar bear/seal)
I'm a straight female, and I don't have anything against people who aren't. No worries.
This is funny. I'll get my friend, then we'll get married! As soon as she gets her computer working again, that is...
I was on the phone with my friend and she was on Runescape... Chianne: This dude just asked me for my phone number and where I lived! Me: Tell him Charlie and Insane are behind him! *tells him* Me: So, what'd he say? Chianne: Um... Hang on... *minutes later* Chianne: He's not answering me! Me: This sucks, you scared him away! WAY TO GO! Now who are we supposed to talk to?! Chianne: You told me to tell him! Me: ...And you actually listened to me?!
I second that. Sometimes, I get schizophrenia moments, well, a lot, actually... And people are just like, "Are you mentally unstable?" I really can't help it! It runs in my family, and it's supposed to hit my generation. I hear voices, I'm very paranoid, sometimes the voices are in my head, and I see things. I know it sounds like I'm on drugs or something, but I'm really not. People just really need to be mature and act their age about what they do and say.
Wow, I've never seen so many trombone players in my life! I'm usually the only one I ever talk to... I remember the recorder... Oh, yes.
Yeah, I'm the same as Hissora . But I always thought that the left side of your brain controls the right side of your body and vice versa? Is that what you guys are talking about?
Well, I do play the guitar and piano, but the skills I have aren't anything worth saying. 1st chair! My trombone is named Ienzo!
You Really Got Me - Van Halen
Trombone, totally! I love playing it, I named mine.
The Interview - AFI
My sister was staying with her friend in our old hometown and I was talking to her on MSN... [<3]Des & Erin[<3] = My sister My frog is a monster! = Me [<3]Des & Erin[<3] says: shhhhh My frog is a monster! says: What?! My frog is a monster! says: Did teh monster wakey wakey? My frog is a monster! says: Oh em gee! The monster got my sister! SOMEBODY CALL TOM CRUISE!!!!
Raine-(me),Craig-(sister's boyfriend) Raine- CRAIGERY! Craig- What? Raine- There's a giant screaming rainbow in my room! Craig- What do you want me to do? Raine- KILL IT! Craig- I can't. I'm in your phone! Raine- Then get out of my phone, and kill this rainbow! Craig- Where is it? Raine- On the TV! Craig- Is it a straight rainbow? Raine- ...What?! There's such a thing as a straight rainbow?! Craig- Just.. Change the channel! Raine- D*** you, Neo!!!
Okay, so I was in band class putting up my trombone, which I had named Ienzo... Raine-Me Coray-Friend Raine- Is your trombone a boy or a girl? Coray- Um... Raine- Mine's a boy. Coray- ... Raine- I named him Ienzo. Coray- Why? Raine- Because Ienzo is a cool name! And, I- DON'T TOUCH MY IENZO!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Raine-Me Coray-Friend Faith-Friend Raine- CORAY! QUIT BEING A HOMO! Coray- I'm not... Raine- Yes, you are! HomoSAPIAN!!! Coray- Aren't you a homosapian? Raine- No. Coray- WHAT?! Raine- I'm a vampire!!! Coray- ... Faith- Don't question her... Raine- *in background* Come, Coray! Join me and Faith in our vampireness! Faith- DON'T PULL ME INTO YOUR CRAZY WORLD! Raine- I LIVE IN NO CRAZY WORLD, HOMO! Band teacher- ...What is she yelling about? Coray- >,<