*the claymor knocks me over*ouch *suddenly my thunder daggers go wild and start zapping me*yikes*tries to create a potal and one opens right next to saix the daggers keep zapping me* ok someone is controlling them who is it*suddenly a bolt of lightning hits me directly and i tkeeps zapping me even though i am unconcious*
well i knocked him out for a reason...now nothing stops me obliterating you demyx saix is weak and guess what you are weaker*raises thunder daggers aboutto shock you*get ready to die
I HEARD THAT*shocks saix 5 times and breaths heavily then appears to have calmed down*TEMPER KNOCKING DOWN THAT WALL HUH*suddenly part of the wall crumbles to reveal the same stuff as the door the unbreakabable stuff*AND LET ME TELL YOU MORE SAIX I DON'T HAVE A BAD TEMPER I'M JUST ANOTHER MEMBER OF THE ORGANIZATION*the rest of the wall crumble and the ceiling reavealing the same stuff as the door larxene breaths heavily then calms down*whew i'm outta breath i need to sit down*sits on floor*oh and who smashed the wall *larxene asked looking confused*
*walks over to a river and jumps in*wow those look just like sharks wait a minute they are sharks cool*jumps on a sharks back*yeehaw
*some of the water from demyxs sitar slashed me and i woke up feeling really dizzy*demyx i have a plan but this might work two ways when you fire the water i could use thunder and it might completely blow up the wall it may not even scratch it or it could shock you are you willing to take the risk?
*suddenly a black cloud ap[pears over my head and strikes lighntning making me unconcious but not dead*
*still lays there unconcious with thunder daggers in hands*
oh well *uses thunder on wall and piece of paper falls out of pocket*hmmm whats this *reads out loud*"weaknesses of this room"weaknesses we are free wait theres more"in 1999"that was before this room was made*tries using thunder on the wall and it shoots back at me magnified by 5000 volts causing me to pass out* ooc:Nexit@h XIV sure i added you to the list you are now marluxia
looks at time the park closes soon i better get something to eat i skipped breakfast *walks to food store and buyes 2 hotdogs and eats them*
ummmm roxas xemnas wants to kill you something about hitting him on the head so i just thought he sounded easy to annow and through pens at him he tried to kill me then suddenly let me go he told me not to bother him again*throws some more pens at xemnas head*stay away from roxas
*the day care staff manage to get me out of the tree and try to get roxas down so i climb the same tree as roxas and throws a crayon at them and climb to the very top and draws a multicoloured bug which just appears out of no where*goo*i replied happily*
shocking experiences rule dont they anyway we will make it through as long as i have have...some chocolate i haven't had any for ages who cares about me going hyper i mean a little hyper couldn't hurt i mean the least i could do is create a world wide thunder storm which would probably wipe out demyx so which will it be we all try and figure this out or bye bye demyx
*the daycare peole get me out of the tree*
*climbs a tree and gets stuckm in the tree*waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
*uses thunder on everyone*just calm down someone might come along...in a year or 2
*throws some pens at roxas*
hey why do you want to kill me i mean why did you want to kill me over some lousy pens i mean yes ive really pushed my luck now but i heard you muttering about destroying roxas and by the way i have more pens*trows yet another pen at xemnas and keeps throwing them*let go of me let go of me or i'll...i'll use the keyblade*gets out the keyblade ...or at least a home made keyblade made out coat hangers and other junk* ooc:i gotta go i'll be back tomorrow (hopefully)
if i remember correctly it was partly you because you were suggesting the ideas of an indestructable door but the person who installed it was demyx and the person who made it was vexen
fine*jumps down*you wanna know what i was doing up there i was eating a cheese sandwich*eats the last peice of my cheese sandwich*so namine whats up?