*namine draws an evil person who tries to take her away and it becomes real like the other pictures*waaaaa hewp me waaaaaaaaaa
*suddenly wakes up*i must be dead now roxas killed me and i am just a ghost my body dissapeared*starts to cry*
*stays sat drawing pictures that all end up appearing like flowers and butterflies*hee hee hee
*still unconcious not knowing saix sorted roxas out so he wouldn't kill me or anyone else*
oh hi demyx i called him sparky he can use the thunder teqniques and cure himself and other people isn't he so smart
ok i know i have been annoying and all and i want to say i am sorry before i die*starts crieng then passes out*
*goes home and starts training sparky*yeah thats it sparky you already mastered thundara now all that is left is cure and thundaga*suddenly sparky uses thundaga on himself the cures himself*sparky you did it*throws him 4 treats*ok lets play outside oh and no shocking demyx*walks sparky down the street*
hey leave sparky alone kill me if you have to just leave sparky outta this i ordered him to do it and leave saix alone to leave them and kill me if you are gonna kill someone
no my watch is to fast and that is a fake padlock i still have 15 minutes hey this pass expires in a year i can come here every day woohoo
hmmm i need a puppy*walks to the elemental pet store*aawwwwwww that ones so cute*buys the puppy*ok i'll call you sparky because your'e element is thunder
well how about we get outta here and i destroy namine huh roxas roxas leave sparky alone *sheilds sparky*youve hurt him hes only a puppy*picks sparky up and cuddles him*
hey leave demyx alone sparky guess what i trained him to do use thunder on roxas*sparky uses thandaga on roxas*good boy*gives him a doggy treat
ok half of the organization are mad and insane*she said walking into her house and admiring the thunder desighns on the wall bbut left the door open because she felt really hot*
roxas how many times do i have to tell you my age doesn't matter... fine i am 35
hte puppy well i called him sparky hehehe he needs to get used to me yet he still bites me*gives him some food and water*so saix whats up i uh guess you heard the conversation a sec ago
hello sora no need to back off i'm safe i left my thunder daggers in my house
true then i shocked him 100 times remember hiding emotions can be bad and i just remembered where is my diary*raises hands ready to shock him*now tell me where my diary is and roxas you are right saix is over 40 years old but i shocked everyone who asked my age i never gave my age away
*walks over to roxas*locked out?then why not try using the keyblade
there is still something missing oh yeah this place is way to colorfull can anyone get ready to get rid of the paint
i...i...i don't like saix i hate him i hate his funny attidude "stop it she thought to herself" and his cu ... i mean stupid ugly grey eyes "thats it larxene forget about him he is just another member of the organization she ordered herself" ok i admit it i like saix ok he is cute his attidude rocks and he is just shocking "larxene you are soooo dumb she told herself"