"hmm i wonder"lumaria said to himself"what would happen if i cross breeded a tulip with a rose and a cheese sandwich mmmmmmmm...i wonder if i could grow cheese sandwiches"*puts it all into oe plant pot and waters it*"if i pull this one off i will be famous"
oh well*eats the chicken*last chance for the candy
*clenches a fist*if you beat me i wil be so angry...then again i would probably walk off shocking everyone who works here and say they rigged it so you won*8throws a ball misses the bowling alley and hits the ceiling*oops*it lands on her head making a tiny earthquake knocking down the pins*oh yeah top that sratategy
*looks where saix is looking*hey saix why is she in your'e house?
so far i am winning*get another bowling ball and knock down 9 pins then throws the other one and misses*minor setback oh and demyx be carefull the next ball isn't a ball it is tnt a bomb
"come on candy for everyone come and get it"
"well what are you waiting for you get two shots to knock them all down"she said knowing what happened without even looking up*suddenly starts doing tricks with the paddleball*
hey could i have some chicken please hang on a sec*runs home and brings back 2 pockets full of candy who wants candy
can i please have larxene i watch big brother all the time(at least when it is on)
"oh no don't kill me what with that bent knife"she said sarcasticly"maybe i should just stab you with a feather and you would die"
*suddenly smells the barbeque*wow smells quite nice oh well *suddenly sparky runs out of the room so i follow and when i catch him up we were at the barbeque*come on sparky lets go home oh hello everyone sparky come on
*still batting the paddle ball gets up and grabs a bowling ball and throws it not even looking to busy with the paddle ballo it misses the pins but bounces back up and knocks them down*hey look i got a strike your turn
hey roxas do you wanna die cause i suddenly feel like you are the pest the rodent here all who say we should just kill roxas rais their hands*raises hand*
*walks around her house not really caring where in her house then just sat down and turned the tv on flicking through the channels*what else is on what else is onwhat else is on"she said to herself as she flicked through
ooc:ok i added you i'll start well i don't hate bowling its alright but i love paddle ball i'll do both*gets a paddle ball out and starts playing waiting for my turn
*thinks* could anyone get a clone to go through the door no wait i think the door is clone proof i know one more try couldn't hurt*silently whistles for the dog hoping nobody would notice uses thunder the dog trips her just like the way she planned and shocked roxas*he he he HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA...i mean i slipped he heh ehehehehhee
um roxas it wouldn't matter if we had a nuclear missile we wouldn't get outta here and even if we got ot of this room you still got like 5 more before we reach an exit i know how to get out any one got i don't know perhaps maybe even a close link to their somebody a way to contact them*looks atroxas then at everyone else*well
ok so everyone is tired of fighting eachother the organization gave up on kingdom hearts for a day of bowling.STRIKE!!!!PADDLEBALL!!! here are the available chracters sora :Kingdom-Fan98 riku : kairi:Emo Pengwin donald: goofy: king mickey: Xemnas: Xigbar: Xaldin: Vexen: Lexaeus: Zexion: Sai'x: Axel: Demyx: anniexo_lexa Luxord: Marluxia: Larxene: naminestwinsister Roxas: Xx.KeyBlade Master.xX Namine:myoblivion
can i be axel please
"oh hello ienzo yes i said cheese sandwich" *walks off to room and waters the plants*