"hey xemnas you murderer i think it is time for a shocking experience"*casts thundaga on xemnas*"are you ok?"
larxene is mine please can i have her and can i have namine as well please i will use both of them
actually you are right but if thats the case then i shouldn't be here neither should marluxia unless we were somehow brought back from the darkness
"i uh did that on purpous"*runs to marluxias room*"xemnas leave him alone"
*logs on and reads what demyx wrote* larxy285:ok demyx i'll try to help *runs up to the room demyx is in*"hello xemnas leave him alone"
*tries the thunder sheild but just molds the thunder*"wow"she said molding the thunder at her own free will*"now i have a plan"*molds a lightning bolt shape and throws at sparky as he just absorbed the lightning bolt*"oh my god this is so fun i will try it later"
*she throws a pen at a member of staff*"het stop that or i will put you in... THE corner"*throws another pen at him*"ok thats it"he said dragging namine to a corner"ok i have thwee teeth enough"*bites the member of staff and crawls away*
no need to thank me its all i could do for hiding under the table during the huge battle hey where is sparky*looks outside*how did he do that a a thunder sheild how
*nods head*its definetly riku i know why hes here watch him*watches him and he turns to a boy with silver hair no blindfold or robes*hes here because sora is coming i can feel it now riku will dissapear*watches him dissapear*hes gone to sleep a place between light and dark when he wakes a voice will give him an option to stay or come here at the lowest basement i can't feel who the voice is yet so yes he is a danger to us all marluxia i have an idea why don't you use that odd little girl namine to do her ability mess with soras heart
*walks into saix house*"wetness bad bad rain baaaaaaaad bad bad "she said as sparks were flying trough the wetness"it just had to rain sorry i could't finish your'e garden
hmmmm *examines the the cheese sdandwich plant to see if it really worked takes the plant out of the root and looks*sucess i have created the the cheese sandwich plant it grows under the rulip cleverly named by i lumaria
can i be larxene and screen name "larxy285"
can i be larxene please(i want treasure muahahhahhahhaaaaaaaa)
*keeps on working on fixing saix garden doing her best to get it exactly the way it was but only having dome about 3 tenths of the garden herself
hey i know that guy i think oh yeah i know he is the guy who got sealed behind the door to darkness with the king i think he was called riku he was one of soras best freinds
you can be both i gotta go tho
ok so what has happened in this rp is that bloo and mac are walking down the street when suddenly they see a black hole bloo said he thought it was so cool so he jumped in so mac got everyone in fosters to help find him the black hole led to the world that never was and now bloo is exploring Xemnas: Xigbar: Xaldin: Vexen: Lexaeus: Zexion: Xx.KeyBlade Master.xX Sai'x: Axel: Demyx: Luxord: Marluxia: Larxene: Roxas: Xx.KeyBlade Master.xX Namine: mac: bloo: wilt: coco:naminestwinsister eduardo: mr heriman: berry: cheese:
ok i can get started now if you want *starts repairing the table*at least the table will be done
"oh right thanks and by the way what happened to your'e garden i mean look at it its ruined what happened i was just hiding under the table"*takes the chicken"anyway bye oh and do you want help repairing the garden?"
*walks around randomly lost*wow these woods are big and well i feel kinda small i'm lost*eats a heese sandwich*at least i'm no hungry