You've been warned.
Just don't ask me how I put it there...
*coughs, hacks up knife* Here it is....eww.
Sure. *coughs, hacks*
Wow. To say the very least, that is rough. Hang in there, man. I realize these are some difficult times, and my saying the obvious really won't help you that much, 'cause chances are, you already know them. Be that as it may, you've got our support.
Ah, I see. Well, I dun have the knife.
Is that an order?
Thanks, no. War and me don't get a long too well. Appreciate the thought, though.
What am I gonna do wit a knifey?
(dunno if this is the right title but,) Rock-a-doodle-doo It's something like the pagemaster (kinda); this kid is being read a story by his mother: A rooster, on a barn, is happy and with his friends. His job, everyday, is the same: When it's time for sunrise, he has to go to the top of the barn, do a 'cockledoodledoo', and the sun will appear, but if he doesn't do it, the sun won't show. However, an evil owl casts a spell, making the everyone believe that sun would show, whether the rooster crows or not, turning everyone against him. It works, and the rooster is an outcast, and he goes to the city to try and find himself. Since the spell was a ruse, everything has become darkness, no sun. The story ends there for the sick kid, but then he somehow gets inside the story, and tries to set things right. EDIT:
Probably one of the most confusing things I ever saw was the appearance of 'Kid Deadpool'.
The only thing cool about bobobo was the theme song. Other than that: no point whatsoever. Zatch Bell was unique, though.
I didn't say it was attractive! Idk, I never took it.
With what? Alls I gots is a twig and some lint....*eats lint*
In that case, I would like to go back to my first strategy.
James was breathing heavily, sweat coming from his forehead, as he stared into the ground, "I....I dad....he did this....exact same thing....when I was smaller......he left us f-for some reason....almost this....wanting to go it alone...." He was shaking from trying to sit upright.
*tosses chicken mcnuggets* Just don't ask what's in these...
*tosses carrots at them* Eat these!!
So who is them? What is them? Why is them?
*blows trumpet* Duh duhduh duuuuh!