Writer might work...computer science, if you're going to want to be an animator....
........something else? Like, what kind of career?
Les try this, then: What do you like to do?
I dunno....you?
Alrighty, then.
If you check, there's aparently a Chinese and Russian version as well. :huh:
Yyyyeah, I don't think that'll serve well in the real world. I'd try for something else.
Anyway, what kind of degree do you think you'll fall back on?
Gotcha, gotcha...
Such as what?
I'd get a degree in math or science, first; something to fall back on, should that dream not work out.
It takes a lot of practice. I only started getting good after several drawing manuals, and that was recently.
Kind of runs in the family. I've been drawing (not this good) since I was four years old(course, at the time I drew like a four year old).
*nums nummy medicene* I'm not sure; I think it might be the flu. I've had a sore throat for a few days, and earlier this morning, I was just out...
lol, check my albums, then ask me that.
Lovely. Sounds riviting, that kind of news. -_-;
I know what you mean; school connection with Youtube stinks the later it gets.
They're hilarious!
And what song can he sing, pray tell?
Hmm...what about....Mystery Science Theator 3000?