lol Sure, I will log on in a second
Not bad for a sper of the moment XD
Its the recording software, not the computer lol. I can run Kingdom Hearts 2 final mix nearly perfectly when not recording XD Besides, even if...
Yup, I put elephants to shame! :D Though for some reason it only works with stupid stuff like video games and random conversations XD... Oh yea XD Im sexy and I know it.
Oh yea? And what if I dont wanna? XD jk, logging on now.
Hmm..... Maybe you need another player? We can try agian tomorrow if you want.
The map doesnt say anything? Nothing at all? Maybe try talking to the person who gave you the mission agian. If that fails, consult youtube or...
So random number thrown out there..... I would probabky care to stop counting at 15 lol. So half way there XD So, I miss anything while making...
lol nice. I can only imagine how many RPG games of starwars fans have actually made lol. Probably more than I care to sit and count LOL
XD lol I can get back on if you wish XD
Oh my goodness! I remember! :D That was a thankyou for understanding when I posted in the wrong spot lol.
#hfqhwqhv#|uhyh#ws|ufqh#gqd#ws|ufhg#rw#howvdk#d#uhkwdu#he#rw#vwhj#vwl#/qrlwdvuhyqrf#wqhfhg#d#hydk#rw#wqdz#xr|#qhkz#wxe#/vl#wL#oro I am pretty...
Yea, I just got off the taxi thing and am surrounded by flesh raiders. Where do you want to meet? The temple?
I am lunwif, I am the humanoid one with no eyes. I forget their names XP And I didnt know you couldnt take your character to other servers D: I...
G[#-$WLQPDG-#1111rQ And than you :D
Also, the ripping seems to not want to work :/ (I stayed home today, so I am ahead of scedule XD) I installed the program, mounted the image,...
Were you really THAT bored? XD Bxr|#uri#wl#rg#rw#wslufv#d#hwluz#xr|#glg#uR#Biohvuxr|#kwdp#hkw#rg#xr\#G[#uhgrf#hxuw#d#prui#ghwfhs?Ah#/hflq#|uhY
Oh, and thankyou for my 14,444th post XD The number may be different to you, who knows how much has been deleted XD
Okay, everything is ready and set up :D What server should I join? Not only that, but I am taking a sick day too. You got me all day XD