lol The lack of social interaction would drive me bonkers... lol And okay, i will be here. i have to go shortly however
Wait, you mean you don't have to go? At all? no sure weather to call you lucky, or unfortunite XD
Nice man :D I will ask about it tomorrow after school. After my three day weekend, I actually have to go to school on monday T.T
Okay, getting on now.
Are our new padowan avalible? Aqua and Rienzal?
What.... What is this thing of beauty? XD
Okay, just give me a minute.
Huh, how much does a name change cost? Not that I intend on chinging mine, just wondering lol.
Thanks for your help :)
Okay, all is well now :) I dunno, maybe I mounted the wrong ISO? Oh well, so long as all is in order now :D And wow, I was wrong, it actually...
Trying agian :) And sweet, the recording worked :D
Sure :) Well, about a month or so ago I dumped from kh2 because I had the disc. It worked great, everything was there. Yesterday I dumped from...
I did not know that lol. I will have to try it. Question: When I dumped kh2FM, all the models look the same. Have you tried dumping from final mix?
lol Then from the looks of it we are in the same time zone. I sent that messege at 11:59, and got your's at 12:48 XD The name's Adam, its good...
lol I am sure you will be able to get it. If you can find one, just spend the $40 on a card. XD Oh, and I may or may not be able to make it at...
My dad works with cameras from time to time at his work, I doubt it would be that hard to find one to borrow lol. But besides the point.... It...
Not a problem, a pleasure to meet you :) (I cant stay long, its nearly morning for me and I need to get some rest lol)
lol None taken XD And yup. It cost $50. It works for small things, but when I want to record game play or something, it lags like crazy XD Wich...
Your tutorial... IT LIES!!!! XD lol Your video tutorial says exe, not bat XD You may want to add an anotation or something lol. However, it...
As am I to call you my bro :D Nearly done :)