Dude, your in a band, I have no musical experience in the least. But, what the hell, I will try anyways. Your a musical nerd who went against a...
lol I have yet to see a single episode of Big Bang Theory. I have only seen a commercial for it XD That's about it. And have you really just...
Okay, just wondering how many people knew what it was XD However it might be because I referenced it before XD lol...
lol Yea. You just gotta love the guy. XD Oh, and when Albert Ienstien mentioned the black hole theory, do you know what he meant?
lol good, good. And my man! :D *high fives* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zn7-fVtT16k
Oh, and random question. if Albert Ienstine went toe to toe to Stephan Hawking, who would win? :o
As do I lol. Don't get too far leveled off without me XD
Well, I am going to be completely honest and say I am trying a keygen. If that fails, THEN I will just buy the game. However, if the keygen...
Not at all, let him have it :) I am working on getting a code for the game. I should have a code withing a few days, hopefully that is :)
Hmm..... If one of them could have it I would say give it to Rienzal since I am only in it for hanging out with you, not the star wars. However,...
Hmm... That's a toughie. Don't our padawans have accounts as well? Rienzal logged in, so he tried SWTOR and the trial ended. So if I cant have it,...
Whats the matter bro?
Yup, my entire computer on a single USB. That is freaking awesome lol. I do not use torrents all that much except for downloading games and such....
So, how are you? :D
lol I leave my computer on all the time. That way when I go out of the house I can always just use remote access like a beast XD But I suppose if...
YES!! :D I got a real number! 13 hours lol. So it should finish some time tomorrow. But that's fine! Its well worth the wait! :D Once more for...
lol Thank you :D So, anything awesome happen since we last spoke? :D
"Forever is a really long time, especially when it ends" <-- quote from somebody I don't know XD Yea, that makes sense. Once the seeding is done...
Things are good here as well. Skimming youtube and fighting boss battles.... like a BOSS :D
Its a decent browser. I have been taught with internet explorer however lol. So its kinda odd. But I will get used to it. How are you? :D