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  1. adamboy7
    Profile Post

    Wazza?!? :D

    Wazza?!? :D
    Profile Post by adamboy7 for Tifa L., Mar 22, 2012
  2. adamboy7
  3. adamboy7
  4. adamboy7
  5. adamboy7
    I know, right!? XP But I suppose it will be worth is lol. Especially if it got a higher rating than BBS O.o

    Post by: adamboy7, Mar 21, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  6. adamboy7
  7. adamboy7
  8. adamboy7
  9. adamboy7
  10. adamboy7
  11. adamboy7
  12. adamboy7
    Profile Post

    Okay, one sec :D

    Okay, one sec :D
    Profile Post by adamboy7 for Sora's Apprentice, Mar 21, 2012
  13. adamboy7
  14. adamboy7
  15. adamboy7
  16. adamboy7
  17. adamboy7
  18. adamboy7
  19. adamboy7
    Well, I believe what you have done is install the torrent. However, that torrent you just downloaded is just a short cut to whatever data you are trying to use. The actual information is still floating somewhere on the web. Basically, what the torrent you downloaded does is tell the internet "Hey! Download! I'm ready!". You still have to download the actual information. So you open up the torrent and let ti run. You should get a time remaining number. If you get the infinity symbol, that most likely means the creator of the torrent hasn't seeded. Seeded is sharing. Hope I helped :D
    Post by: adamboy7, Mar 21, 2012 in forum: Technology
  20. adamboy7