Wazza?!? :D
*cough* [spoiler] *cough cough* lol That sucks. How far away is your birthday?
I told Star seeker to bring it up with you since you were both on, but for some reason his 3DS isn't letting him view your page lol. However,...
I know, right!? XP But I suppose it will be worth is lol. Especially if it got a higher rating than BBS O.o COME TO AMERICA ALREADY!!!! lol
lol I think he means he wants you on his RP XD So get to work on getting into the RP? lol And ah. You ever try any of my new methods? lol And I...
Oh, and Star told me to tell you that he said to tell me to tell you to get back to work, he needs more people in his RP. lol
Yes, so it can fear me!!! MWAHAHAHAHAAHA!!!! Who, lil old me? :3 Well, actually not that old or little, but you get what I mean XD Why do...
Besides, I would only be a true hacker if I were paid to destroy others XD I do it for fun :3
LOL Its not like I do anything THAT bad. I am just your average pirater XD I don't really hack others, however I do want to look into creating a...
Oh, no need. The chief of police lives right across from me XD
Okay, one sec :D
I am watching a lets play kinda thing, its fifteen minutes long. So do you want me right on right now, or is just chatting alright? lol
lol I am at the very same place XD And we shuffle better.
Okay, its all set up. I will log on in a second if you want :)
Ugh.... It hurts.... XD I bought the game, activating now.
[SPOILER] Oh, alright. I will see if we have the money on a card or something XP Damn share cash, you've broken me. XD And.... Okay then? XD...
No. I could not get the keygen. I could not get the keygen for one. ****ing. reason. ****ING SHARE CASH!!!!!!!!!! Jesus Christ! I cant tell you...
Well, I believe what you have done is install the torrent. However, that torrent you just downloaded is just a short cut to whatever data you are trying to use. The actual information is still floating somewhere on the web. Basically, what the torrent you downloaded does is tell the internet "Hey! Download! I'm ready!". You still have to download the actual information. So you open up the torrent and let ti run. You should get a time remaining number. If you get the infinity symbol, that most likely means the creator of the torrent hasn't seeded. Seeded is sharing. Hope I helped :D
Working on a bit of hacking, password cracking, game stuff, ya know, my regular stuffy stuff XD-