Neither. Wagic is the best.
The first one is for the Atomic Clock which I'm pretty sure is run by the state of Colorado and the other is the Naval Observatory, which may very well be down.
I like to think that most of it is canon, even the palette swaps because, as others have said, it's very possible for there to be multiple varieties of the same Heartless. I'd actually like to see that used in KH3 in a way similar to Shiny Pokemon. Have a few alternate palette versions of each Heartless that appear very rarely but aren't any different from the others. Anyway, the biggest thing that I'm curious about is the Cavern of Remembrance and Absent Silhouettes. I really want to believe that those are canon, but they don't seem to be referenced anywhere else in the series. Vanitas Remnant is clearly an Absent Silhouette of Vanitas, so it's not that far-fetched to say that the ones in KH2 are canon, but the Cavern of Remembrance remains a mystery. The end part with the Data Battles kind of resembles the arena for the battle with Young Xehanort in DDD, but that's a pretty big stretch. As for the Cavern itself, the doors are clearly taken directly from Castle Oblivion, but why they're there isn't very clear either. My personal theory is that Xemnas was trying to create an artificial Chamber of Awakening, but even I highly doubt that because the CoR is such a self-contained part of the game. She wasn't talking about all of them, just the ones that Nomura has stated aren't canon like, for example, Lingering Sentiment. "Unknown" is clearly canon because Xemnas is clearly referring to Sora when he says, "I've been to see him. He looks a lot like you," to Roxas.
What do you mean? I'm giving you a number that you can call to get the time.
Call for good time. Alternative Number: 1-(202)762-1401 You may be billed for this call.
Do do do do dooooo dododo
I've actually been working on a small stand-up comedy-esque bit regarding baseball themed euphemisms for various sex-related things, but it doesn't translate to text very well. It's best I say it aloud. So far, it goes: I've noticed something really odd about slang. It seems that a lot of sexual euphemisms are related to baseball in one way or another. I mean, we obviously have the whole "bases" thing that puts levels of intimacy into baseball terms, but it goes further than that. I mean, look at one of the most common euphemisms used to refer to gay people: "Batting for the other team." Who's "the other team?" Are we talking about the "Away" team? That would make the most sense, considering that heterosexuality is the more popular of the two "teams," making it to "Home" team and, as I mentioned earlier, homosexuality the "Away" team. But then where does bisexuality fit into this mix? You can't be on both teams, can you? Well I thought on this for a good long while and decided bisexuality should be Little League. "Why Little League," you ask? It's a well known fact that in Little League, every kid has to play. But there's still more! What about asexuality? Antisexuality? Well, following my train of thought, it would only make sense for asexuality to be all the cheering fans in the bleachers and antisexuality would have to be tee ball, the most boring baseball variant imaginable. And then there's pansexuality which for now I'm going to consider the Cricket of the sex world. That could change in the future depending on how well I understand either pansexuality or Cricket, but I have a feeling that won't be happening any time soon. It's a work in progress. I have to work on making it more concise, for one thing. Also: Spoiler
Not for hatok. He went and got his middle finger cut off.
I think it had to do with how they were trained. They just weren't as good at arching with their other fingers, so they couldn't properly pluck yew. That, or it's an urban legend that stemmed from the similarities between "pluck" and "fuck"
That's inception at its most basic level. Wouldn't it make sense that more advanced applications might involve implanting a whole new personality into a person? A personality is just a bunch of ideas, after all.
10/2=5 Half Life 3 was confirmed. 5-3=2 HALF LIFE 2 CONFIRMED
'Dem bolt-ons.
Is this just in the UK? Here in the States, we still use wicked to mean "terrible" or "evil." Also, here's a fun fact! Some historians and language experts believe that the North American dialect of English is closer to Victorian English than the English dialect of English. Come to think of it, that might explain the wicked goings on regarding the word "wicked."[DOUBLEPOST=1380757995][/DOUBLEPOST] Jiku confirmed for stereotypical Asian?
Sounds like your country needs some freedom.
Red: Worse than Paul? It sure seems like it!
When the hell did this happen?[DOUBLEPOST=1380757350][/DOUBLEPOST] Or even Shakespearean Klingon.
He said that he could care less. That doesn't tell me anything about how much or how little he cares, so I asked how much less in order to figure it out.
How much less?
Basically, the Organization is trying to perform Inception on Sora.
Dude, I think you're having an Amaury moment. Maybe you should go sleep it off.