I have no idea what that's supposed to mean. Rap in general is just painful for me to listen to.
Go for whichever job doesn't require you to know English.
Well, rap certainly has that kind of sound.
Why do you think it's rated M for Mature instead of M for Middle School?
I don't see anything wrong with it. Was someone recently made a SuperMod?
Have you never heard of Pokemon Yellow?
You'll see in about two weeks.
Personally, I don't believe in free will. Consider how the butterfly effect works. You know, how going back in time and making an unimaginably tiny change (say, crushing a butterfly) could cause gigantic changes in your present. As far as I know, that principle works no matter how far you go back, even before the universe started expanding. If, right before the Big Bang, a single electron were in a different place than it actually was, the universe would undoubtedly be completely different from how it is now. Different planets, different life forms (if life ever formed at all, that is), different galaxies, and maybe even different physics (though I kinda doubt that). So even if we make our own choices, the universe was set up from the beginning to cause us to make all of the choices that we do.
Darn kids with their music. I'll never understand it.
Explain. What makes selfishness inherently bad?
In development for Gen 6?
Believe it or not, some people like to have an official guide as a collectible item. Others aren't very good with certain things related to battling, so they use guides for that. Still more just like to look at the pretty pictures.
If it'll take too long, just save for a year and pick one up used. The price will probably be way down by then and people are bound to be selling them to second hand shops too.
But what will I do with all these unpopular opinions that I have? There are just so many things that I hate... that I feel like I'm about to overflow. Look at me, Fearless. Who do you see? If you see someone else's face --a Dalek's face-- then that means I'm almost ready. This puppet will have to play his part. This is him. It's Dalek. You're next, Fearless. I have to make you a part of me too. Don't you see? This is why I was created. It's not okay for me to have a low opinion of something because it causes people to interfere with my ability to enjoy something that I like in a way that is far more difficult for me to avoid than it should be? In case you haven't noticed, I'm a pretty selfish person when it comes to these things. To a selfish person, it's perfectly reasonable to expect people to have the common decency to not ruin my good time when it's pretty clear that they are. The only reason I seem like such a nice person (In real life, I mean. I know I'm a major jerkface online) is that I treat everyone like they're just as selfish as I am. I feel like it balances out nicely. For me, that is.
Good man. Now take this video camera and do what you need to do!
Quick, Amaury! You have to have sex with Llave so the Red Spotted Moderator may survive!
That's why I hate Homesuckers too. The reason why I hate Homesuck itself is how most people who get into it seem to stop being into anything else. I feel like that's the reason why Homesuckers shit up so many cons. If weren't for a tiny minority of the fandom like you and that one girl at Matsuricon this year, I'd put all my resources (68 cents and some lint) toward getting that hellspawn of a webcomic off the internet for good. But if you're a fan of something, doesn't that make you a part of the fandom? Whether or not you participate in it is another thing entirely, but as far as I'm concerned, "a fan" is the same as "part of the fandom."
I'm glad you clarified that. I would have assumed that you were lying if you hadn't added that sentence to your post.
This is how I feel about the Homesuck fandom.