Spoken English is different from written English. Unlike with Spanish, there are things that you can say that are incorrect to write and vice-versa.
Pyro Jack because SMT. Alternatively, Wapaaah.
I would watch this.
This isn't really sex ed. It's more like Remedial Gynecology if you ask me.
Yes, but remember that contraception is a Sin against the Lord Almighty and using it will get you sent to the worst part of Hell, the same place where Hitlers, pedophiles, and people who misuse the word "literally" go. PRAISE THE LORD, FOR HE IS THE DIVINE ONE WHO WILL BRING US SALVATION. DEATH TO ALL HERETICS. CONDEMN THOSE WHO PLAY VIDEO GAMES SUCH AS "KINGDOM OF HEARTS," AND "POKEYMAN," FOR THEY ARE THE DEVIL'S WORK AND REPRESENT THE JAPANESE DEMONS WHO WILL OVERRUN OUR FINE COUNTRY. USA! USA! USA!
Note to Self: Avoid growing a uterus at all costs.
Sometimes this weird pink foam comes out of my urethra instead of pee. Does that count?[DOUBLEPOST=1381523741][/DOUBLEPOST] I thought the worst part was that it was horribly inaccurate. Women are born with all the eggs they'll ever need in their ovaries (I think it's 300 each). They're not made later in life like sperm are.
Yes, but not quite as regularly as what Fearly is talking about. Oh, just leave the boy be. He'll figure it out in due time.
Is yours coming on Monday too? I really hope that's a mistake on Amazon's part. I mean, I was already prepared to get it late, but now that I know it's coming on Monday rather than Wednesday, I really hope that I manage to get it even earlier.
I hear ya, dude. Although it may not be as bad, I suspect that I may have a broken toe, but I'm deathly afraid of having doctors touch my feet. I'm going to be stuck limping and saying that I just have a really bad bruise on my foot for the next week.[DOUBLEPOST=1381520759][/DOUBLEPOST] You haven't taken Human Physiology or Sex Ed, have you?
Name her "Free Candy" and paint it on the side. People will think someone kidnapped a girl named Candy and you're trying to save her. You'll look like a hero.
Hasn't it been out for a long time?
Well, remember that I consider the primary characters in FFXII to be the nations themselves rather than viewpoint characters through whom we view the story. See my first post in this thread for more details on that. Anyway, when looked at from that perspective, my emotional investment in Dalmasca and its struggle for independence from Archadia is roughly the same kind of emotional investment that I had for Riku when he was working to overcome and later accept the darkness in his heart. It's hard to describe because I'm pretty sure this is a pretty unique view, but that's how I see it.
But it's one of the most popular ones in this thread. I actually think it's very emotionally fueled. It's not all that emotional in an obvious way, but after the plot really got going, I started to really care about what would happen with Dalmasca and Archadia. I only wish the Hetalia fanartists would get around to Hetaliafying Dalmasca so I can cosplay it. I thought it was just a "freer" version of FF's usual turn-based ATB system. Sure, you can run around a bit more and battles happen in the overworld, but it's still the same core system. I loved Gambits too. It's a shame they narrowed them down rather than expanding the whole system in XIII. Roles and Paradigms were great, but way too simple for my tastes. Same here. I found myself spending more time grinding for License Points than actually playing the game. I really need to get back to that.
To be fair, they do have a point with that second paragraph. It's not that I hate the "two versions of the same game" model, but it would seem pretty ridiculous to somebody who's never heard of it before.
Same here. XII's characters can seem pretty bland and two dimensional at times (Vaan is even worse than Lightning IMO), but once you realize it's not about them, it becomes way better. It was a great narrative choice to make Dalmasca the main character rather than any individual person. I think that choice is what made the world feel so much more full and alive than any other open-world game I've played. Since the main character was a nation rather than a person, they had to emphasize the fact that it's a living "creature" that grows and changes with its population. Also, it has some of the best voice-acting in the whole series. I took a break from it to play FFXIII and was blown away when I got back to XII. The only game that might have better voice acting is the original FFVI back when it was still FFIII in the US.
Isn't that what Gurren Lagann is for?
How long is that in Misty Years, exactly?
If you're into rhythm games and RPGs, I'd suggest picking up Theatrhythm Final Fantasy. It far from the best game ever, but it's a great game nonetheless. It's also one of the most unique games I've ever played, right up there with AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! and Audiosurf. It's like Elite Beat Agents with RPG elements. It's insanely fun if you're into that sort of thing. Speaking of AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!!, they really need to bring that to the 3DS. It would be awesome in 3D.
Look in the credits of Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMix. When they list who voiced who, there's a character named Yufeie in there.