I once meditated in a bathroom at a con for half an hour and got up feeling like I'd slept for at least 8 hours.
Delphox liked your post in the thread wow i did not plan this month well.
You're Beløw. You can find a way to anything.
Just hate all of it. That's what you usually do, isn't it?
This video made me cringe really hard.
Did I say that? No. I was only saying that you were wrong about it not being a Christmas movie.
Yeah, it's totally not a Christmas movie. Why else would there be all those Christmas lights? And the big Christmas tree that the kid goes to see? And the SANTA CLAUS DUDE THAT HE TALKS TO ABOUT HOW ALL HE WANTS FOR CHRISTMAS IS HIS FAMILY BACK? Yeah, definitely not a Christmas movie.
I've been tapping my invisible salt shaker for hours now and it's not working.
Fact: Amaury is responsible for the end of the world.
Nooo, they'll hate me because I'm straight. I just have to convince some guy to pretend to date me in order to convince my parents that I'm not straight. In all seriousness, though, I'll probably come out to them eventually. It'll probably be when I'm actually in a committed relationship with a girl who understands that it's embarrassing to tell my parents about that kind of thing.
But my parents think I'm gay. I don't have the heart to tell them that I'm just terrible at dating. Men have a thing where they have different amounts of testosterone gushing forth from their sperm factories. The usual cycle goes: Morning: High testosterone levels for lots of energy, very focused and spatially aware, very likely to say no to things he doesn't want, increased chance of inexplicable mood swings. This is a good time to ask your man to do manly things like working on a car or play football. Also a good time to get him in the mood for a long and passionate session of sex. This is probably the male version of a period, though it's not the debilitating monster that females get. Afternoon: Moderate testosterone levels for less energy, but still general upbeatness and less chance of aggressive mood swings. Evening: Low testosterone for an overall more passive and agreeable mood and lower than usual libido. Compare this to my hormone cycle where my afternoons and evenings are the "high" and my mornings are even lower than the normal "low." And with my luck, I'm probably going to be among the ~40% of males who get andropause.
I was put on Human Growth Hormone between the ages of 12 and 18 and I'm absolutely convinced that it's what caused my particularly potent 24 hour hormone cycle. Nobody ever believes me though because the male hormone cycle (donno what it's called) isn't as widely known as the menstrual cycle.[DOUBLEPOST=1381550943][/DOUBLEPOST] Things that Anixe and Vivid Green Have in Common: 1. Neither should attempt Gynecology as a career.
You poor thing. D-does your dad need a hug?
Yes, that's the point. Also, this thread reminds me of the greatest Bullied Girl vs Alpha Bitch justice I've ever witnessed. It's kinda really gross, but it's also hilarious and very relevant to this thread. Does anyone want to hear the story?
Being Misty's alt.
Yes, you did. Two of the three people in this thread agree.
No, he was asking "Why?" as in "Why is he wrong?" and then "Does it matter?" He omitted punctuation and capitalization because it made for nice wordplay.
Kitty is never coming back because she hates us and it's all your fault.