Fearless's Defense was lowered.
A Goomy named King Goothur and an Aegislash named Excalibur are all you need.
Could you do that for me too, please? I promise I'll do something in exchange. No idea what, but it'll be good, I guarantee that.
I do not have any Dittos. I'm not that far in the game yet. I'll check my PC for anything else I'm willing to trade when I'm done sitting on every chair, bench, and couch in Lumiose City's hotel.
Hints at Hoenn Remakes: "The Kalos Region is nice and all, but you should check out my region! We have this town that you wouldn't believe... Ah, never mind. You'll see it in due time." ~Guy at Hotel in Camphrier Town "Where I come from, we have a hot spring right next to the Pokemon Center, and it's incredible!" ~Socialite at another Hotel "The 40th wedding anniversary is the ruby anniversary, and the 45th the sapphire." ~Old Guy at the Hotel in Lumiose City
Unfortunately, I have Pokemon Y, so any Xclusives are out of the picture for me. Still, a Charmander or Absol are both pretty good offers if you ask me.
Want a level 20 Absol? Alternatively, I've got a baby Absol that's about to hatch. I've been breeding Absols like crazy. I can also breed a Charmander that I just got for you if you need one of those. My Friend Code is 0602-6352-3661 if you're interested.
You received an O-Power from Mr. Bonding.
Bye bye, Amethyst! I hope you come back soon!
It's not that they weren't paying her, it's not they weren't paying enough in addition to the fact that they expected her to write and record whole new sets of lyrics for the English audience. My guess is that they either offered to pay more or agreed to use the Japanese versions of her songs from now on, probably both.
A few extra details: Most games that I have bought recently have been new, but I try buy used games whenever possible. The local video game store that I go to is called Ultimate Video Game Connection. I didn't think it was important in the actual survey, but I figured it couldn't hurt to point it out anyway. I put down 110 games for how many I own, but it may be over 125. I probably buy 25ish games a year, but the bulk of them are via Humble Bundles and I haven't redeemed most of them, so that might not count. I put it anyway, though, because I figured it probably does count.
No, you think that Disney XD is good because you're Amaury.
Yes. People are starting to hate Cartoon Network. People have been hating Disney XD for years.
You know what they do in Australia? If Congress can't make up its mind in seven days (or something like that, I'm not sure of the details), they're all fired and an election is held. Why can't we do that here? It would make everything go so much more smoothly.
To my understanding, most of the Asiatic languages doen't have capital and lowercase letters, so they probably just don't use lowercase in practice out of habit. Besides that, I generally only see that happen when there are bits and pieces of Romanji among Kanji and Katakana or in contexts where the primary audience's first language is Asiatic, so it's probably just a way of making it very clear that THIS TEXT IS IN ENGLISH, NOT JAPANESE/CHINESE/KOREAN/LAOTIAN/VIETNAMESE/ETC, SO DON'T MISTAKE IT FOR ANY OF THOSE. It's a hard mistake to make from our point of view, but Asiatic languages have LOTS of characters, so it would be pretty understandable to mistake lowercase Roman letters for some weird Kanji that you've never seen before.
The "e" in ReMIX is lowecase. Also, it's called stylizing it. It's the same thing as how xkcd isn't XKCD or Xkcd and Adult Swim uses [adult swim]. These kinds of things are okay with proper nouns for some reason. The hyphen isn't a letter, yet I've known a girl named L-a.
The job interview. We didn't want to say anything before we actually had a replacement, but we're firing you. Yes, you. Box. Your stuff. Out the front door. Parking lot. Car. Goodbye.