This may be one of the few things you've said that is actually stupid. There's clearly no such thing as a real werewolf, but that doesn't mean that a werewolf in a movie can't look realistic.
This is probably where we disagree on this matter. The way I see it, the shutdown wasn't caused by the Republican Party or the Democratic Party, but rather the fact that they are so opposed to each other that they can't get anything done. If the Republicans were willing to listen to whatever compromises the Democrats had in mind and the Democrats were willing to acknowledge the Republicans' valid arguments against AHA while still shooting down their bad arguments, we wouldn't be in this mess. Like I said before, this outcome was a team effort. I am not a Republican. I thought I had made it pretty clear that I hate both of the current major political parties, but that's my fault for not making enough passive-aggressive remarks about them. If anything, I best fit into the Democratic-Republican Party, which no longer exists. The federal government needs to be a lot weaker than it is now. Stronger than it was under the Articles of Confederation, but only slightly so. We also differ here. The reason why I only ever vote on the issues is so I can't be held responsible for any of the mistakes the idiots on every side of the political nonagon will inevitably make. It also means that I can't complain about their mistakes, but I'm fine with that. If there were a way to actually vote against a candidate without voting for another one, I'd do so in a heartbeat. It probably wouldn't be that hard to implement either. Set it up so I can vote "No," for everyone in a given category unless I vote "Yes" on one of them, in which case all the "No" options would be greyed out. I'm not advocating punishing people for being unemployed. I'm saying that being unemployed is its own punishment. I hate being unemployed and, at least to me, it feels very much like I'm being punished for not being good enough for any of the tens of places that I've applied to. To restate: Unemployment is its own punishment. I didn't say that. I said that people who can afford health insurance will be punished for not wanting to buy it. Also, why are we yelling? Is this a game? Because I can totes yell louder than you. I shouldn't have that choice, though. I should have the choice of having some goddamn health insurance or not having some goddamn health insurance. I understand that AHA is a tax-funded program, but what is the purpose of having a fine that will probably also go into the program? Why not just allocate more taxes to the program? I'm going to get my own health insurance when I can afford it, but why should a person be punished for wanting to risk not being able to pay for hospital bills? Isn't getting seriously hurt and being plunged into crushing debt punishment enough for being too stupid to buy health insurance even though one can afford it? My problem is not with the program, but with how it seems to work.