Question: Are you using "metaphysical" to refer to the branch of philosophy called metaphysics or something else entirely? I'm actually very confused as to what it's supposed to mean in this context.
When you have the hiccups, it's just your diaphragm and throat that have the problem. The rest of your body is fine. lrn2biologyn00b
It's almost like you didn't read all of the posts to see if your question was answered in one of them.
I forgot that Articuno wasn't introduced until Gen 2.
That moment when you have high hopes for Amaury thread.
Would you mind explaining what these acronyms stand for?[DOUBLEPOST=1382555779][/DOUBLEPOST] Huh, I thought Jynx wasn't introduced until Gen 2. Maybe it's just a really forgettable Pokemon for me.
Heh, I see what you did there.
Nate confirmed for Canadian.
If you're not at least egotistical enough to want to make your own choices most of the time, there's something seriously wrong with you. There's a difference between being free and being too stupid to recognize when you don't know what's best. Choosing not to be free makes you a slave, not a person. But they don't have to have bullets in them to be useful! If you take a few unloaded handguns, weld them to a metal bar, and attach a couple of wooden boards, you can make a really nice spice rack! And both are terrible compared to peanut butter pie. Apple Pie is still the best name for a ship, though.
Yeah, seriously. You can't just leave us hanging on the most important detail.
Not having freedom is for damn commies, guns are useful for things like breaking windows when you don't have a fist handy or robbing a bank (it's ammo that needs to be restricted more than it is), and apple pie is delicious in more ways than one.
It's actually designed to be inefficient, and I think that's a good thing. If Congress were reasonably fast, they'd be able to get a lot more done that could possibly interfere with freedom, guns, and apple pie. Stupidity, on the other hand, is unforgivable.
You know what I find really ironic? Massachusetts already has a law that does exactly what Obamacare proposes. What's more, Mitt Romney is the one who made it happen in 2006. Obamacare is even based on Romneycare, yet Romney is completely against it and not even because of the completely rational reason that the power to make laws like that should be restricted to the States. He just has to hate everything Obama does because he's the "not Obama" guy. Angry italics over. Vermont has a tax-payed health care service since 2011 and nobody has complained about that.
That's why they have the groomer.
You have never mentioned it, but I could have guessed so based on a number of factors.
The way I see it, anyone who wants to have children and survives long enough to do so should be allowed to. Reproducing is the whole point of being alive, after all. To put it another way, anyone who doesn't die before they get a chance should be allowed to reproduce because passing on one's genes is the whole point of living. I'd be okay with requiring men and women of certain ages who don't want kids to donate to sperm and egg banks a couple of times a year, but that's neither feasible nor practical at this point in time, not to mention the fact that it's really unethical from a "FREEDOM LIBERTY GUNS APPLE PIE" standpoint.
I actually think it's the other way around. Sora's Drive forms are his equivalent to Armor. When I think of TAV, I think of people who are trained specifically in using the Keyblade to fight the darkness. They're proper warriors, and the armor gives off the sense that it's a uniform of sorts. Sora, on the other hand, is primarily self-taught. He's an amateur, and his "armor" reflects that both in how it looks and how it's triggered. Having multiple versions of it also reflects that there are multiple hearts connected to his, giving it even more significance. Similarly, Riku's "armor" is his Dark Form that he hasn't used since Chain of Memories, if I remember correctly. I'd like to see that make a return as well, by the way. Even Roxas has his dual wielding "mode" and Xion appeared to be using what would have been her version of it if she had been at full power/sanity at the end of Days. However, I would love to see Mickey get his own armor (proper, TAV styled armor) and have Kairi and Lea get their own versions. Kairi, having a Heart of pure Light would probably end up with something similar in function to Riku's Dark Form and I'm not sure about Lea, but the fact that he used to be a Nobody could probably play into it.