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  1. Patman
    Yeah, looks like the news stating that Vs XIII' s development only started for real last summer went through one ear and right out through the other. Do they expect SE to stop releasing games for two years or what ?
    I kinda wish this game will end up sucking big time. :3
    Post by: Patman, Feb 5, 2012 in forum: Gaming
  2. Patman
    Motomu Toriyama explains the ending (spoiler, obviously) :
    Post by: Patman, Feb 5, 2012 in forum: Gaming
  3. Patman
    Well, now it' s official, FFX on PS3/PSV will just be a HD remaster, not a remake :
    Post by: Patman, Feb 5, 2012 in forum: Gaming
  4. Patman
    The thing is though, whether they believe in God, the Flying Spaghetti Monster or the Pinky Little Pony is utterly irrelevant in this case, faith isn' t a valid bypass to any law. They are right when they say that those suicides can' t be linked to their passivity : as hard as it is to believe their passivity wasn' t a factor we can' t objectively blame it for those suicides, and we can even less blame the board' s vague recommendations.

    I' m appalled however that no one reminded them that, as far as science can tell, homosexuality isn' t an illness, a mental disorder nor a defect of any sort, and that homosexuals have the exact same rights as anyone else. If the teachers behavior is discriminatory in any way, or worse, if they ignore their duty to rescue, then to my knowledge they can very much be hold accountable for that in court.

    I know little about school boards and what they are legally allowed to do or not. Their recommendations to "stay neutral regarding homosexuality" and other such bullshit was so vague I' m amazed it changed the teachers behavior in any way. I mean come on, what does that even mean ? Surely boards can' t fire teachers for any bullshit reason they see fit, right ? How come the teachers were less afraid to break laws than to break an absurdly vague board recommendation ? I just can' t compute that, error 404, the requested logic sequence was not found. As for the recommendations to not use the word "homosexual" in any way it' s just plain discriminatory.

    BTW I didn' t notice in the article, is that school private, or public (i.e. secular) ?
    Post by: Patman, Feb 5, 2012 in forum: Discussion
  5. Patman
    Ah, okay, I thought you were implying they needed help about being gay. My bad.
    Post by: Patman, Feb 4, 2012 in forum: Discussion
  6. Patman
    They don' t need anything, certainly not condescension. That' s a form of moral torture you know ? It' s actually worse than a plain insult. It' s an insult that doesn' t even realize it' s an insult, it' s too busy hiding behind self-righteousness to notice.
    Post by: Patman, Feb 4, 2012 in forum: Discussion
  7. Patman
    My mother tongue is French and I' m fluent in English. I learned Spanish at school, but I didn' t cultivate it ever since so I mostly understand it. I also understand other latin-based languages a little, such as Italian or Catalan.

    I remember posting in a thread about stereotypes in video-games, a Spaniard member posted detailed explanations about the hilarious depiction of Spaniards in Resident Evil 4. Apparently there was quite a number of details in the ganados' speech that indicated they were closer to South Americans than Spaniards, yet neither really one nor the other. For instance there is this one detail that I could have picked up by myself but didn' t : every ganado address other ganados as usted/ustedes, which would be quite silly in Spanish. Unless of course las plagas are just awkwardly polite parasites ... ^^
    Post by: Patman, Feb 3, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Patman
    If you watch the Matrix trilogy backwards it' s about Jesus realizing that being enlightened and free is actually dull and painful, so he settles for a simple, fake and mind-numbing life, working in a cubicle by day and hacking by night.
    Post by: Patman, Feb 3, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Patman
  10. Patman
  11. Patman
  12. Patman
  13. Patman
    Yeah right, the Snes didn' t any real time A-RPGs like Seiken Densetsu, Star Ocean or Tales Of Phantasia. Turn-based RPG is a genre, feel free to not like it or be done with it, but it' s as "outdated cheap and lazy" as A-RPGs. Saying one is better than the other is like saying sci-fi is better than fantasy.
    Post by: Patman, Feb 1, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Patman
    Final Fantasty ? That' s Final Fantastic ! :lolface:

    I assume you quoted the wrong part of my post and are referring to my comment on FF XIII ?
    I suppose FFXIII does qualify as a turn-based RPG in a way (my definition of turn-based seems less rigid than yours, mine is more like "once a character speed gauge is full I get to chose his action in a menu").

    The FF gameplay had many constants from FF I to FF IX, only tweaking a few things in precise gameplay areas between episodes. That' s how I judge how much of a FF a game is, the number of constants it shares with its 9 oldest elders. Since FF X more and more of those constants were wildly tweaked or just discarded, which I think is a fairly objective observation. I suppose FF X, XII and XIII are all fairly departing from the original formula, each in their own way, XIII just happens to be the one that barely gave me a FF feeling. Boring explanation as to why :

    You only control one character so it' s always your turn. Also, there are many informations you can only gather by actually watching the battle unfold. Combined this with the fact that entering a menu doesn' t pause the game (it cannot be turned on/off, which is a first in a FF) and that you can' t accurately predict what your companions will choose to do and you have a recipe that encourages the player, in many ways, to not use the menu and play in a A-RPG fashion instead (using the buttons and auto-battle). Plus the world is a straight line, there are no NPCs, no town, no airship etc ...

    But yeah, that being said don' t worry, I did notice that each player has its own definition of what a FF is or can be, that some don' t even have a need for one, and that the FF designers themselves quite enjoy trolling about it : "Lulz, FF dozn' haz any definityn, it dozn' evyn haz 2 be RPGz !"
    Post by: Patman, Feb 1, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Patman
  16. Patman
    I just noticed this in the latest KH3D trailer :


    Looks like my suspicions are about to get either confirmed or infirmed, unless of course Nomura manages to weasel his way out of a definitive answer to that question somehow. I was assuming that, in KH, heart = soul, but I' ve recently been told in another thread that, if we are to believe Ansem they are not the same thing. Problem is, if what they call a heart is neither a soul, a brain/memory analogy, nor a blood pumping muscle then ... what the **** else could it be ? :why?:

    Either Ansem is wrong (wouldn' t be a first) and the heartless/nobody definitions are gonna be retconned (again), or the KH saga makes no sense to me whatsoever.
    Post by: Patman, Jan 27, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  17. Patman
    It' s more like they showed the above video to three different writers, explained the L' cie - Fal'cie concepts to them, and then let each writer build upon that in its own way, without even knowing what the other writers intended to do. The Fabula games don' t tie directly into each other like the FF7 Compilation or the Ivalice Alliance, they are rather three remakes of the same fairly vague root pitch. At least that' s what they said years ago, I haven' t played Type 0 but I don' t think it has any tie to FFXIII.

    However though they aren' t tied together it doesn' t mean they can' t complement each other : in FFXIII we only had a (very misleading) glimpse on Etro, Lindzei and Pulse, the other "gods" weren' t even mentioned. Seriously, if I hadn' t watch the above video I wouldn' t understand FF XIII' s plot at all (apart from the fleeing emos drama crap, but that' s the part I don' t give a flying **** about). I suspect that, whith each game delving into the mythos in different ways and focusing on different gods, playing one of the games can help us understand the other games better ... unless they just confuse us even more ? Only time will tell ! ^^
    Post by: Patman, Jan 25, 2012 in forum: Gaming
  18. Patman
    If you really need to relate them to each other somehow then I guess that would work, yeah.
    Post by: Patman, Jan 25, 2012 in forum: Gaming
  19. Patman
    FF XIII, VsXIII and Type 0 are three different takes, three "what if", based on the same mythos (the Fabula Nova Crystallis legend). They tell L' cies stories, they mention the same Fal' cies, but they don' t happen in the same universe or time-line.

    Post by: Patman, Jan 25, 2012 in forum: Gaming
  20. Patman
    C' mon, shake it coach !

    Post by: Patman, Jan 25, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone