Well, I could be tempted to say the mainstream gamer tends to be looking for an interactive entertainment rather than a challenge and cares more about cosmetic details than about the gameplay, but I think it' s a little too blurry, it' s more a guideline than an accurate definition. I mean I consider myself to be a hardcore gamer, but I' m not allergic to a few pure entertainment moments nor nifty graphics. The only line I draw in the end is that of dedication. Do you play a lot/often ? Can you play for several hours straight ? Then you' re a hardcore gamer in my book, even if you only play COD or, gasp, that fitness thingy you mentioned.
Bury them alive with an mp3 player looping the same Bieber (or *insert crappy artist here*) song over and over, don' t forget to check the batteries.
Enlist. [video=youtube;_ybwcnWVKRI]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ybwcnWVKRI&feature=related[/video]
I think it has more to do with what we came to expect hearing in a FF. To say that the music in FFXIII, and the few I' ve heard from FFXIII-2, has an unusual style for a FF game is quite an understatement. I was okay with 3rd Birthday having that kind of music, it felt right at home in a Parasite Eve, but to hear it in FF ... let' s just say I would feel equally revolted if I heard rap and heavy metal in the latest Star Wars movie. Also in FF XIII, putting its unusual style aside, overall the music sucked and got on my nerves, but to each his own I guess.
He could also give the laptop to someone, anyone. Say, the nice lady who cleans their house as a favor and actually has a hard life ? I mean how exactly does shooting the computer shows he knows the value of money and hard work better than his daughter ? Also lol at the whole "eye for an eye" Facebook exposure thing, very mature.
Salut ! Ne t' en fais pas trop pour ton anglais, ça reste largement compréhensible. S' inscrire sur un forum c' est quand même nettement plus fun pour se perfectionner dans une langue que de se taper des cours. Tu n' aimes pas ton prénom ... à cause de la chanteuse ? ^^ Bref, bienvenue ! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fiance_%28disambiguation%29
It happened to me when I was a kid. I had a series of recursing nightmares. I had them so often I ended up seeing them for what they were, just dreams, and since I didn' t want to die or suffer (their usual conclusion) I learned how to wake up willingly. It' s only years later that I read an article on the matter and learned I could have trained myself to do so much more than waking up, but whatever, my dreams don' t have recursing elements to give them away anymore. I read however that you can create recursing elements yourself : someone designed special glasses that send a blipping light towards your eyes once they detect you' re dreaming. This makes a freaking blipping red light appear in your dreams too, which you should recognize as proof you' re dreaming after a few nights.
[video=youtube;BMHrLB6vZeg]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMHrLB6vZeg[/video] I just thought this was fitting somehow ...
Call it what you want, it still looks like a Deus Ex Machina to me. I think Makaze is rather saying that causality is either infinite or invalid, but even if it' s infinite you' re still left wondering what caused an infinite link, or if the idea of an infinite link can even be valid (for instance I think he hates the perspective of a looping causality).
It does remind me the Miller experiment.
Fixed. *shot*
^ This, right back at you haha ! ^^
Was using the Triforce a cheap way of ending many Zelda games ? Coming from a series that blends Disney and FF universes (i.e. the epitome of cheesiness), a conclusion in which the power of love, friendship, flowers and lil' bunnies somehow conjures up a Deus Ex Machina that saves the day is, like, mandatory, isn' t it ?
Actually Xion' s fate is different from that of Roxas or Namine. I mean sure, the original memories that shaped her all returned to Sora, but those never defined her entirely : for all intense and purposes we are the sum of our experiences. Xion experienced things Sora didn' t, in that regard she is her own entity. What Roxas experienced and made him Roxas (rather than a simple stoned clone of Sora) somehow went into Sora, as evidenced by the scene in which Sora cries uncontrollably when he leaves Pence, Olette and Hayner. Also, all those who interacted with Roxas remember doing so. Xion' s personal experiences however weren' t "absorbed back", all her interactions vanished from existence and nobody remembers her in the least. Don' t ask me why she wasn' t erased from Jiminy' s journal though ... As for how Roxas and Xion might be revived ... wasn' t the Keyblade War waged because many Keyblade wielders were trying to obtain a god-like power, equally capable of destruction or creation ? You know, the very thing Xehanort is running after ?
That' s weird, it seems to be the exact opposite to me : the story could have easily been kept rather simple, but instead it was needlessly over-complicated for the sole purpose of stretching it over as many spin-off as they can muster. Over-complicating a story so simple at its core that it could fit on a confetti is, like, a SE signature in my book. Just look at FF XIII for instance : at the end of the day, once you throw the L' Cie/Cie' th/Fal' Cie/Compendium garbage, all that' s left is the simple story of a cop who' s on the run because her sister was caught in the middle of an ethnic purge. She ends up with other parias, they learn they were manipulated into actually becoming a threat, kill the real bad guy and thwart his destructive scheme thanks to the power of love, friendship, flowers and sacrifice. Cue bright rising sun and happy yet bitter ending. Each KH side-game brings more questions than answers, and sometimes also retcons a few things. I think Nomura knows more or less where he' s going, he just doesn' t know how. He can' t predict how many games SE will ask him to do and what Disney will or won' t approve, so he just goes with the flow and improvises a lot when the time comes. The problem with that writing method is that the more questions you create the trickier it gets to land on your feet and answer them all in the finale while remaining coherent. My intuition tells me at this point Nomura can' t/won' t. Which is fine by me, it doesn' t mean the overall story will necessarily suck (I like KH mainly for its gameplay anyway) but ... remember how Lost ended and how many fans it pissed off ?
I made a few empty threads myself. You know what ? I' m proud of them. Who tries nothing gets nothing. Besides, maybe sometimes I' m just too awesome.
Well dang, that' s all ... awfully disturbing. The schools I' ve been to suddenly seem paradisaical in contrast (pun intended).
Which is what you have to do to obtain the ultimate weapons. The chocobo race is a matter of luck, I' ve always won it in one or two hours tops, and the lightning dodging has always been a simple formality to me, I usually get it in a single try (though I know some people found it incredibly hard). Waka' s blitzball is just as easy but it takes hours and hours, no matter how skilled or lucky you are, which makes it the most annoying to me.
Err ... post a lot ? Just not in the spam zone. I' m so helpful I' m scaring myself.