Isn' t Pete sort of a KH Gilgamesh equivalent ?
• Shinji Hashimoto, the series producer, was there to lead the show. • Tetsuya Nomura was there, but he had to leave to go to work. • The Kingdom Hearts Edition and Kingdom Hearts 10th Anniversary Box packs are shown. • A video is shown but it is forbidden to take pictures. • First there' s a Fantasia animation staring Mickey, • Then the KH3D intro is projected onto the ceiling, • Roxas, Axel and Xion eat ice-creams on the Twilight Town tower, • Terra, Ventus and Aqua are shown in the Keyblades Graveyard, • Attendants can play a demo, • Shinji Hashimoto has a Keyblade in his hands and uses it to control the animations, • The Dream Eaters revealed in Japanese magazines make an appearance. Source (with a bunch of pictures) : Edit : leaked video. [video=dailymotion;xp750n][/video]
About that, in Symphony of the Night, if you' re stucked where I think you may be stucked then by all means don' t feel ashamed to look at a walkthrough : this game has an insane amount of hidden stuff, which includes secret passages, glitches, tricks, moves, summons and street-fighter input spells or attacks. I found some of them on my own (mostly by accident) but most aren' t mentioned to even exist, which is a shame because once you know them the game gets much funnier to play. The handheld episodes corrected that mistake and made sure to leave clues about all the hidden stuff here and there.
Try this one : [video=youtube;s3vU-dM69pY][/video]
From Andriasang : Square Enix said last week that Kingdom Hearts 3D would have a launch event on March 3. It turns out that the event is for both Kingdom Hearts 3D, and for the series' 10th anniversary. The "Premiere Event" will be held at the Church Plaza event space in Odaiba's Venus Fort facility on the 3rd from 13:30 to 18:10. The event space will be decorated to look like Kingdom Hearts, complete with appearances from your favorite characters. The event will be held five times throughout the day, each showing running 40 minutes. I think the weird grid is used as a rudimentary motion capture reference : at 0:19 we can glimpse someone waving a keyblade, and his move makes a matching violet trajectory appear in the gridded picture. I suppose the show is designed to allow the public to interact with the projected pictures.
This wasn' t me complaining about Tidus, I kinda like him. I just wanted to explain how he looks from the other characters' perspective. Also, if by "whining" people mean that he isn' t the usual "bring it on" never complaining macho macho man often used as a leader in J-RPGs (at least until Evangelion came around), drunkly chasing shoopufs around, then they' re right. Doesn' t he also cry in pretty much every childhood flashback ? But yeah, moving on ...
His father. Repeatedly. [video=youtube;lNO08l4f3wE][/video] Tidus spends a good first half of the game complaining about anything and everything. - "What is this place ? Who are you people ? What am I doing here ? What' s that weird language and religion you have ? Why won' t Auron answer any of my questions ? Nevermind, I don' t even care, I just want to go home." This all may seem to be legitimate concerns at first, but it obviously gets on the nerves of his companions. They' re all on a suicidal mission to save the world and would gladly avoid bearing this endless whining over comfort issues. Kimahri tries to make him understand but fails, Lulu doesn' t even want this loony here, eventually Yuna, of all people, puts a (temporary) stop to it in the infamous laughing scene. It' s only when he realizes that Sin is Jecht that he starts to actually want to be here.
I could say the very same thing about One Piece. They are both shonen nonetheless, focused on superpowers battles. In my book profound means smart, not loaded with cultural references (smart =/= cultured). But just because I do not view something as profound doesn' t mean I deem it to be completely dumb, there' s a middle ground (I do read it after all). I even agree with you about KH being way dumber than Naruto, mainly thanks to Shikamaru. Does Naruto convey anything more than "friendship and hard work overcome anything, I' ll prove it with my ninpo" ? If so it escaped my notice. On the other hand the goal of any shonen is to try and surprise its reader while following the endless same tropes and stereotypes. I guess in that regard Naruto is as smart as any other popular shonen (surprising battle tricks and turns of events).
Lol, I guess it' s a good thing I pay more attention to the gameplay than the story, I actually agree with him on many levels. However he acknowledged that the Disney elements had to keep true to their roots, yet failed to acknowledge that a Japanese Squenix cross-over pretty much had to be an emo-filled shonen. The spiky haired characters, the feminine non-sense poetry monumentally failing at trying to appear deep (or, as he worded it, Twilight for boys) ... yeah, that' s Squenix for you, it' s akin to the singing goody-two shoes/animals/aaawwthatscuuuuuteandmoving Disney signature. Now with that said, even keeping in mind that as a Disney-Squenix cross-over KH is supposed to be closer to Narubleach Piece than Akira, I do think Nomura' s narration can get irritating sometimes. For instance he announced a whole game dealing with the organization 13, namely 358/2 Days. - Me :Neat, finally I' ll get what those weirdos are about !" Turns out no, I really didn' t. - Me : "In one of the diary entries Xaldin hints that some of them became nobodies on purpose ... wait, what the hell did they kinda suicided for ? To painfully try to become whole again ? Come on Nomura there' s obviously more than that to it, becoming nobodies was a mean, not an end, right ?" - Nomura : "Sure, finding the Whatsitsname Room for instance." ::L: - "............................................................................. Come again ?" :sideways: - "Problem ? Try buying KH2 FM for a whooping 60 bucks again, if it was released in your country that is, I added a few scenes about that in there." - "Sure. Wait, *shifty* those scenes aren' t just as cryptic, are they ?" - "Noooooooooooo, why the hell would I do that." *poker face* In the end all I got in that game was the story of Roxas and ... Xion ? Wh... ? Oh fine, nevermind, I' ll bite. - Nomura : "BTW, you wanna know who Axel sees when he watches Xion ?" - Me : "Yeah sure, whatever." Spoiler - Nomura : "I' m not telliiiing !" Then came BBS, a solid game keeping the cryptic at a decent level ... and then Re-Coded, a sad filler excuse of a spin-off. So no, between the hard to get Final Mixes, the console jumping, the redundant content, the occasional fillers and the story often being cryptic for the sake of being cryptic it shouldn' t come as a surprise if some people complain about the narration.
Fixed. I might as well point out that a remote controlled robot is as smart as the person holding the remote.
I haven' t, but I' ve read Rage.
Probably, and then they' ll release a Final Mix that will never set foot in Europe. We' re "lucky" that way.
I never showed my fantastic movie collection to anyone here, have I ? Spoiler
If only ... That was indeed the case a few years ago, but the current trend is rather to make alternate costumes as a "gift" to the player for his money, which is why I' d rather have KH keep to its usual alternate costumes approach. DLCs should stay the hell away from KH.
She' s not confirmed, this article points out it' s just a rumor ("leaked screenshots", "we’ll keep you posted when official word comes out"). The first picture is actually a FF XIII screenshot, and many suspect the other picture to be photoshoped.
I' d turn my head up and down I' d turn I' d turn I' d turn I' d turn I' d turn it around
I didn' t think the magic was real, so the question that truly wrecked my brain into noodles wasn' t "is the magic real or not ?", it was rather "did the little girl truly believe the magic was real ?", and that question made it even more depressing.