Have you seen the latest episode of Casshern? Really kickass ****. There's a really random music video about 4 minutes in. And then another at the end. It'd be pretty awesome if the chick wasn't singing Dans Anglais.
Well, the only real solution would be to flush yourself.
You're a funny ****.
That Ghetto, Trigger, Jube, and myself are misunderstood and have gained a reputation not befitting, or becoming at all. So let's clear some stuff up then. SIT. DOWN. 1. We aren't evil 2. We don't hate you 3. We enjoy being on this site 4. We don't cause trouble to hurt feelings 5. We aren't immature 6. We aren't stupid 7. We generally act out in forms of dramatic irony(look up the definition) 8. We aren't all 40 year old men. Just Jube 9. We don't think we're better then you 10. We are Anonymous As for myself, I will say at least 3 things. I have NO tolerance for stupidity or mediocrity. If you show signs of either, I'll correct you in the most comical way possible. If you see this as a direct insult. Congratulations, you're a dumbass. I do not enjoy rules, or at least rules that are redundant or serve no purpose but to annoy people. Such as no sigs more then 500 KB or Censorship. If there's a rule that I don't believe should exist, I won't follow it. Examples of this can be found in my 3 bannings for sharing accounts, or my 1 warning for "inappropriate sigs". In my opinion, there are certain boundaries on comedy, but no such boundaries have ever been reached here. To those that don't know me: Hi, my name is Cin, I've been on this site since before Sara was admin, and before Boris was admin. Back when *Sora* was admin, and there was almost no real order to the site. I was helping Sara mod the site during the time that Boris was in Power, and when Boris left, Sara was in charge of the site and I was her right hand man before Darkwatch and Misty were made staff. When the new site was made, I was made into a mod, and then about a year later, I became an admin. Let me repeat, I've been an admin at this site. Shocking. And I do not photoshop my eyes in the slightest. It's a funny joke but anyone who knows me in person can attest to the fact my eyes are Green. I encourage the other members listed at the top of this post to clear their names here as well.
Looks like someone's been on /b/ today.
Wait...what? An FFXI character in the game? I suppose that leaves open my Vaan vs. Vayne dreams if they're doing more then just I-X.
The night it happened, 4chan was freaking out with joy and laughter. Pretty cruel stuff.
Well that's not a good sign at all.
If you have me on your contacts on msn, could you try and IM me? Kthx.
http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f199/Cin999/Random Crap/Pictures.png I don't like this picture too much but I think it appropriately displays the orange lighting of my house. As an Easter egg you all get to see how I looked at age seven in the picture behind my head. ...I suppose you can also see my Brother at 17 but who really cares right? http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f199/Cin999/Random Crap/SuperPictor.png I was taking a picture of the (******)camera and just happened to be in frame at the time.
I saw the first episode. Seemed pretty ridiculous really.
All .
My Parents scheduled me to have my Wisdom teeth out on the 23rd of December. I highly doubt I'll be conscious for the Holidays. 8D
So damn old. So damn funny.
Well, the Joker's dead, and so is the Comedian. So it won't be too drastic. Though the Comedian is fueled by the government. And no one want to be connected to those *******s.
You're right, Alcohol does all those thi- Oh...we were talking about marijuana still?
Cause he's real.