^ ditto....
16519 *toot tooroot!!* yay!
1. Charles 2. Selrahc 3. Harxsel 4. Catherine 5. Envy
I heard some time of people talking, and they were close to me, they were talking to the teacher about their cousins birthday, it was on July 6, 2006 which 06-06-06 and he turned 13, ain't that very unlucky?
16517 Bye Bye!!
16515 oh....lol!
what happened?
^ he just necro bump it
16510 ^I'm a boy...
16508 Still can't breath here!! *Breathes more air*
Well finally you're getting a step closer!!!! Good Job Xaldin!
Whoa.......now that's freaky!!!!!
16506 *chokes* Can't breathe, *CPR's self*
16504 i'm hugging my sister, and she's hugging me and now she won't let go *screams and chokes*
16502 YAY!!! *hugs sis* wait....
If both of them fight in their final forms, ot's pretty well bet tie..
16500 Thank You!!!
We've struck pinata gold!!! 16498
Tell a story!!! I'm too freaked out by my own!!1 lol, kidding! well tell your story anyways!
16496 I woud go with lick instead....eew!!