Lol, funny
^ no way, it's nice to go there, where beaches is not filled with sharks!!!!
16922 Boom!
uh no, back then when I had those pics, we were in the philippines
I don't wanna see it, what FKB said, tell it!
16918 Boom!
I missed an episode huh?
16911 What he said!!
Hehehe.....some people says it was only dust in the lens but how would that dust move even though no wind came by?
16850 Wheeeee!
16823 awwwwww...that's a nice pic
Well, the ufo, we're not really sure, but itdid went on different directions see my descripitions to understand it See the black on the upper right, seems like a smdge right? Second picture: nothin bout clouds right, removes suspicion. Check this, see on the upper left side, the black thing came back, seems like it's going somewhere
16821 Boom!
Of course L is better than Light...
Uh, duh it's Light we're talking about here!
Lol.....And yeah!!! STUPID Light have to kill him, now the whole sereis is ruined!
^ lucky you, I'm on 25, I just finished it, I hated what happened Oh yeah, for people who like to see it, PM me to get the site cuz it'll be advertising if i posted it here
16660 Cola!
For you guys who watched it and reached that episode....pretty sad isn't it? For those who haven't I suggest you don't read cause you'll be spoiled.... I can't believe that happened though!!
hmmmm.......well all I can remember at the moment is the UFO...