It's kiss, not kill
I Pwn!!!!!!!
Benny Hill was a slow runner
18038 ^ lol, yeah that
^ Same here This might not be scary at all, but my brother checked this site and according to the Mayan Calendar and the Chinese Prophecy The end of the world will be 12/12/12 or december 12, 2012
According to the Mayan Calendar and the chinese prophecy December 12, 2012 or 12/12/12 will be the end of the world
18035 has anyone of you watched the "Inconvenient truth"'Documentary?
If you shake your head forcefully, A brain cell will die, So if I were you, don't be a metal rocker!
this post shall *explodes* 18,031
What he said...Do you consider me as well?
17813 Boom!
17706 Spoiler Warning!!: Omg Light Dies!!!!
17689 this is a post to say Hi, now i'm logging off, see ya!
I heard about this in the news the other day. It was pretty sad, I used to watch wrestling when I was 11 so I pretty much know about Chris Benoit. And I agree as well, he was one of the best.
L's Theme B - Death Note Original Soundtrack
17520 How do you embed the videos?
17392 Cola!
17390 Boom!
If they say it was scary, it has to be scarier than that......
Want me to tell you about the Bloody Mary story?