I totally want to see this. Especially because my little brother would like it and I've read the book as a kid. Plus Jim Carrey plays Horton and I <3 Carrey lol.
I've played this before with an old friend of mine. Its pretty good. I had fun for while, but then the leveling hit a wall and just went sooo slow. The slowest compared to most of the MMORPG's that I've played, which is a lot. But other then that, if you can get a friend as dedicated as you are, and can really get into the game, then it's really awesome.
Yeah, I figured SH:O just wouldnt be scary on a PSP. Kinda hard to get atmosphere on handheld systems. And im happy that it does have the UFO ending, more the reason to get and find out what it is.
PM me if you wanna know Tootsie's embarrasing story >:3
Quoted for truth.
Thats what happens when you lose. Twice. Make sure its tight :3
That's right ;D Better get that bikini ready.
Dont we all.
What was that score again?
I joined KHV. Watched Boris and Legion and *Sora* do their thang. Didnt really start seperating myself from others till Boris went bye bye. Watched a new member named Mish join. Oogled at Mish. Oogled at Mish. Mish mish miiiiish. Got Cheal to join and taught him some graphics stuff. Miiiish mish mish mish. And then made completely pointless posts till this day.
Yeah, no spamzone was awesomez.
It is lol. Thats were the newest AND official stuff is :3
Same here :3
Yay, you're HellKitten now n_n
Noobs will never stop. They will ruin all that we love. They will turn the spam zone into the biggest Goku/Naruto/Pokemon RP ever, and the database errors will come back in a last ditch effort to stop them. And then poop will talk :D
Well im not doing anything for the actual week of spring break, but the week following it, my family is going to Disneyland for a week. I cant wait :3
Search around a lttle and you'd know that everyone gets this once in a while. And the Admins are fixing it best they can right now.
Amber :3 jk Apples.
Have you tried AVG? Cause if that doesnt help you then that must be a heck of a virus. Well I hope you get that fixed so you can be back soon.
Awww, with the pirate king leaving, who will guide us to the booty? D: I shall miss thee, oh mighty Spike.