Hi muscular lady that could drop kick me :D
Kitty is gonna pwn me isnt she? D:
Get a divorce.
I humped some bacon and Sanda 8D Yeah, my new history rocks.
I feel bad for not getting her present in time D:
Stopping rubbing your awesomeness in ;~;
And I thought king mickey was stupid before o:
Who are you?
lol, not you. Im talking about the huge, uncensored **** in the picture.
Well I dont have anything too different to say from the others, since this drawing is pretty awesome. You should work on getting a scanner in the future. That plus using white paper would make it look much better. Everything is done very well and you did a good job on the shading. You should try working on some original works if you want to really become serious. You definitely have the talent so it'll work out good for you.
Who's Toshi? And little kids go to this site too D:
That site is missing quite a few actually.
Dont worry, I still hate you.
What is Smash bros?
They're leaving because of the idiots mostly. But sometimes it is the new people.
Shun shun shun.
She's already married in some sick threesome marriage. Trust me, there's more traction on those ladies that hang out at midnight in street corners than her :3
Is in love with me.....as long as the lights are off.
Yes, those noobs are silly. Arent they m'dear? <3
Who are you? o: