Oh man, that's awesome. And it'll be not to far from me. I should totally go there and get an autograph. Maybe one for Kitty too o:
They go through religious polymerization and become a nihilist.
*falls in a ditch*
Pfft, you own everyone. Especially me ._.
Best work so far. The detail you've put into these works show how much you're growing. The enemies look more menacing and the characters have more action and emotion. Speaking of action, damn good job on the Onsen you drew for me. The other one was good but this one totally outshine it. Eileen looks even more sexier in this new one you drew, and you even got the hat and the cast this time. And the SH:O nurse is obviously the masterpiece of this bunch. The picture speaks for itself on how amazing it is. Keep up the good work.
I guess thats why he's always chasing after james.
I see pyramidhead is enjoying the fresh air and rainbows.
Mish isnt the hottest anymore. Now shes just a lesbian >:
OH GOD NO, THE WORLD IS GONNA END D'= *hysterical sobbing* Come back to me, HBikachu!
Well people with less money tend to hope towards it coming out for PS2 and the Wii, seeing as though most people have PS2's by now and Wii is the cheapest next gen console. Give them a year or so when the PS3 is even cheaper and more people will have them, and the stragglers will lean back towards the PS3 release <3
Has sigs that are just totally retro.
First, you type what you want the link to say Next, you highlight the word and click the hyperlink button Then, you insert your URL and press ok The word you highlighted should now be clickable and lead to the website you put in, like so: KHV
Is quite cute o:
It'll probably be on PS3. Although with the KH games that have been and will be coming out on the DS, they might make one for the Wii. The battles and action commands would be cool if they utilized the Wii-mote good, but overall I'd rather them just concentrate on the PS3 and use that cell processor to the fullest~
Now this is something I gotta try lol. Although with only four buttons, I cant imagine it being too hard.
Awww. Well I hope your move goes quickly. Come back to us as fast as you can~
Ruuun! He wanted your womanhood D:
Kawaii =^.^= And I think you have the same glasses as my sister.
That.... The cake wasnt a lie. I bet it tasted good >: