You're almost there~
The cake is a lie man D: She's watching us >.> <.<
Oooold D: It's only awesome after spending a good few hours running from that psychotic AI anyways.
Ew, I thought the team from the first 50 cent was excuted in front of a firing squad. Umbrella must be at it again, because only brain-dead zombies would work on a second one. But who knows, if they make the second one good enough they may redeem themselves.
There's much hotter. Sadly there are minors here,
I must be teh hyper-nerd.
*goes to buy now with his Delorean*
That orange....she lies.
Couldnt you just do this in the Brawl thread or the stickied contact details thread?
Crono milk is quite sticky o:
Get a pregnant lady to get you fresh milk. Its never spoiled.
Since she become Finger Vomit DESU DESU Princess. Im also considering making an anime for her.
Trigger hates me :'(
Can I be a ****?
There goes Spitfire, always lookin pimp.
It comes out April 22nd I believe.
Yeah, the kingdom hearts team had a helping hand in making this so the character styles are similar.
You mean Neku Sakuraba from The world ends with you? Nope, not sora. But does look like him o:
I have a Lunar theme for my PS3 o: With Nall's sexiness all over~
I voted for the No party.