Poor kairi D: I loved majora's mask. Letting you fight your favorite bosses over again is pretty fun. Especially the bull one. And all the masks and fairies give you something to do if you havent got them all by the time you beat the game. Also, the final boss was someone other than Ganondorf. As awesome as Ganon may be, it was refreshing to see a new baddie. Plus, who wouldnt wanna rock out with as a Zora?
I wish I had MSN D:
If anything I'd rather have them make a PC emulator on the PS3.
Its actually alot of work. Force feeding just leads to vomiting and the throat has precious meats that we dont want stomach acids to ruin. But the sacrificing, thats the fun part.
It's too late for that. The babies have been created and are now being fattened for the slaughter.
How so? Sushi is the sexiest thing alive.
All of my vote goes towards the 3 feet of man known as Soushirei.
Now thats totally Orange
Charizard. He's been with me in all the games ;D And my favorite game would probably be Pokemon Red.
Way to ruin his moment of false glorification D:
#46 is the best site ever.
What a pointless thread D: There are male and female dugtrio. Easily Identified by their nose color. Male dugtrio + Female dugtrio = Diglet. Just because it has three heads doesnt mean they're three bodies. It's just like Dodrio.
Cya kitty. Have fun in life.
Im not even angry either. Im being so sincere right now.
Reptar :D
........Is this a joke? Seriously, the 12 year olds with their RPs here have better storylines than that. It makes me sad that there are amazing games out there that dont have sequels or arent released here for fear of lack of sales, but this abomination is releasing a sequel like its nothing. I hate this country's market for video games -_-
I hate HB, dark chocolate, the sun, being so close to the equator, prudes, large breasts, humidity, mean old people, the government, dial-up, and HB.
Way to copy my thread D:
Man, you totally gotta get out more xD. Yes, this has been confirmed. Comes with a nice little thing that plugs into the GBA slot too~
Holy water + Excrement + Alchemist pot = Holy ****. Add cinnamon and peppermint for extra exclamation marks.