Mix them all together for the time of your life.
Just dont get drunk again ;D
Didnt you already have that happen to you? o:
And you're a whore but we all accept you n_n
Oh no, now HB is fat and metally ******ed D:
My reaction was more I miss your fro D':
Nice xD. Just goes to show that not even sucky players cant be helped when using Final Smash.
A few hundred people. I choose Nobody's shadow :3
Well my Agumon digivolves to... Greymon. Beat that n_n
MissingCrono rushed forward. MissingCrono was only able to light up a cigarette. MissingCrono takes a smoke break.
MissingCrono charges up. MissingCrono uses Erupting Burning Finger.
This is so pwnsome, I found a video showing how to get Darkspin Sonic.
Yeah, I found that one out with Lucas myself. Came in handy tons of times and takes a little more practice then just switching controller configurations. I should probably go look up the highest homerun scores so far with a single person. I wanna get 3000+ with Lucas ;D
Booo, I thought they'd find something more interesting. Using specials to counter the momentum is a pretty obvious thing. And its so easy to do D: This is gonna end up being a common technique once more people learn of it. I guess I'll just keep waiting till they find something more advanced >:
So true xD. So does this one have the UFO ending or have you yet to find out?
Pretty much. That reminds me of how ****ty you are too :3
They did pwn quite a bit.