Well obviously Sony can easily afford the licenses to use a simple data transfering software. If thats the only pirated they find on the computers, chances are the fault lies within the person(s) responsible for aquiring the software for that program.
On monday, I shall be leaving. It will be hard without all the noobs to laugh at, but I'll manage :3. Bye everybody!
Isnt Marvel vs Capcom 2 pretty much the ps2 version of that? Anyways, I'd want Ryu with Ken as the secret character :3
Smudge wewt 8D
Who are you? D:
Well pedophile is commonly misused because it only refers to the attraction towards prepubscent children. If they're a few years younger then there's nothing wrong with that. Ephebophile, or the attraction to teenagers is alright though. Its so common amoungst adults that it actually isnt used to classify someone unless it becomes a real obsession. So yeah, at 18 it isnt really that bad to still go for the 14 and over range, its just that laws will prohibit many interactions that you guys can do. That plus parents tend to be wary of guys that are much older then their daughters. But you should try working at it with someone older though. Young girls have a horrible ideal of what love really is. Older gals are more experienced anyways~ Editz: I also think this may be more suited to go inside the help with life thread since this is...help with your life after all. Plus people who frequent that thread can help you better :3
Well from the choices, I'd have to say goldeneye. God I loved that game. But I prefer Half-life over anything.
Wow, im surprised you remembered. Those were fun times indeed ;3 Editz: O R A N G E is one of the few people to spell my name right. All lowercase~ Congrats to you little citrus fruit.
I would think that the shop area would be best because while your shop does encompass your traditional works, those works would be in a shop. Therefore the shop area would definitely be the better choice and would make finding your shop easier.
Or madi of course~
Old news is old.
Well only one person can be that cute. And that must be Kitty.
Someone drew a picture of orange :3
Awesome. I cant wait to get my hands on these. It might be easier to tell if enemies are nearby with rumble because I sometimes really cant tell >.>
These are some really great drawings. I especially like the gravekeepers. And Sanda's right, they really do look official. Are you sure you dont work on the KH team? x3. I love how each nobody really shows a smiliarity to the Org. member that they serve. I cant wait to see more if ever do the ones for other members. Keep up the awesome work ^_^
I would use my cosmic power to eat planets and make heralds to go ahead and search out more planets. Then I'd implode. Awesome right?
Lucas and Marth~
I noe rite?
lol, madi is a girl.
http://youtube.com/watch?v=EEbzptEFsKk Do I win yet? D: