I realized, we are all probably not in the popular group in our lives... we're kind of nerds! but it's good to be nerds sometimes... *dies due to...* wait... you don't know my name OR know what i look like! 14809
no sense.... rgh jojherjhgo wergerqg8n lololfebgynerv where's lol? 14801
I don't... I guess i'm dorky like that...
LKX, you're good. NO SPOILERS Sorax! I'm only on ep 9!
I was posting the first intro's first lyrics randomly... haven't seen any other intro... 14775
those are pauses... ... ... ... ...
I've been looking for a looping pika slappage for a long time! i knew it existed because i was forced into watching the first movie... i laughed at that part and my bro got mad.... Pika Pwnage.
so, its good but lacking controls?
Herogaru yami no naka washiatte kakumei no chigiri Da re ni mo jama saseru wake ni wa ikanai kara random DN lyrics... 14763
*punches Soku* that joke.... bleh... and Sorax's... bleh...
I'm Going to the next anime north. next year. :) But I'll be at my cottage for a while this summer... :o Yagami-san scares me... too intelligent for a 17-year old i say... 14758
Why do you think that? is it the way you act on KH-V? "Shinigami only eat Apples" *sits on chair like L* I may go to Anime North next time it pops up... !$&%! 14751
Jeez, sounds like you're too hard on yourself about visual appearence... alright... what did Bunter say?! sorry for late response, DN is too good *eats ice-cream like L* 14742
*gets Genis from Tales of Symphonia to make healing sandwitches* he has the *munches* best cooking skills *munches* in the party *munches* *shot by KF* 14729
I need Auto Life next time 14723
wait.... hey thanks... wait.... superior showed everyone? DAMMIT I CAN'T GET THAT OUT OF MY HEAD! 14721 *ded from FF attacks*
*deder* 14716
Heal plz... *ded* Wait... i thought CtR said she didn't want to post her pic? oh.. wait *still ded* heal plz 14714
wait... how do you know what CtR looks like? wait... I'm ded... *ded* bleh 14690
what rule? *eats apple* *dies* 14684