*hands over cookies* wait! what game? *evil look* 15371
*speechless* you.. how'd.. wha... bu-bu... *squeal* 15369 translate this! "レッツダンス!"
Mamoru beki mono no tame ni, makerarenai! Infinite cookies for the person who translates that. and lists what game it's from, and who says it! 15366
:( byezorz... 15363 (Is playing Tales of Symphonia, andjust got Metroid Prime)
I was going to go watch DN but... whatever. I'll stay... I never even said hi yet! (lolololololololo*shot*) 15361
Now you just need to fight 3 Xaldins... 0_o Is it possible to even make Xaldin harder?
I made one too I'm being Kicked off! bye! (is PMing my name to those i trust well)
Roxllen is definetly random.... actually... I've been feeling the urge to tell my real name and age... don't ask for a photo. no webcam or digital cam. maybe not... 15153
You don't know what i look like or my real name! *crosses arms* Bwahahahaha! (I just mixed 2 animes!) 15146
It's a clever series... makes you think... I wonder where Light got his intellegence.... (I'm wondering, not asking!) 15135
I am not going to even ask... this is one of the many shows i enjoy... 15132
They're equal adversaries but... L is kinda creepy... 15126
they're playing... tennis? 15121 I see where L is going with this...
father issues much? (i didn't use that right... did i?) *watching DN ep 10* Bowser. you know! from the Mario games for Nintendo consoles? 15115
Why eat Super Mario Macaroni when yu can eat, Bowser? Customer:But... Bowser. I've got to go to a father's day party on sunday (ZOMG! 3 rapid fire y's!) 15109
Didn't you kill Reap with the Death Note? and then nervously chuckle? 15092 What's wrong Roxllen?
sorry i dissapeared... some kid i look after needed picking up and i went on the school's computer... I was also making a home made Death Note! (seriously!) 15086
XD 15030 None of you can use the death note on me! Bwahahahaha! *runs away*
Bye, I'm being kicked off for the night. see ya tomorrow! (never finished Desu Noto ep 9...) 14827
actually, on KH-V, yes... we're super friends. but in real life, we aren't part of the popular group... we're the ones that haven't been classified as popular... but nerds all have better friends so... TAKE THAT! THAT B*TCH I LIKED IN HIGH SCHOOL! i got rep sauying "thanking you alot" and an uncommented rep from i know who in Enemy Card Description help. 14816