15907 C ya... Please keep the donations coming... we're just $10,000,000 from our goal! lawl
uber lawl. Zippers are like trees... All over the F***ing place! at least in KH...
We must not let this die! *uses Hi-Potion on thread* 15905
15903 CtR won't even miss the next 50... this thread is sloooooooooooow
at the beginning i doubted he was ever in SOLDIER... It didn't add up for me. Anyone who has played FFVII til almost the end of Disc 1 or early disc 2 would know, also, anyone with Advent Children. He was with ShinRa at one point though. just not with SOLDIER.
you just like pounding people, don't you. It's fun but.... *pounds random person* 15572
I'll have you know My brother has a PHD in @-$-$-K-I-C-K-I-N-G 15501
15489 *ninja vanish*
I used to see Aeon Sora alot when i first joined... I always wondered what happened to users that just suddenly dissapeared for a while.
I'm a Guy... I got nothin' .... ......Pie?
I LIVE! *runs around* 15485 no one is posting... It's not another hundred!
11 bye 15433
I see tall people...
you know how people have quotes in their sigs? well we'll get the chance to have our quote in somebody's sig! just say some random funny thing everybody should get! random.... AWAY!
boo. I got on to check, but looks like there's barely anyone left... anyways, I pulled an all nighter playing GameCube and need to rest.... once i finish watching Death Note! :P 15430
no hitting... *puts C-S's fist down* see ya later! (I gots me mah family sig!) 15386
*is joking...* i have to go soon... I'm meeting all my friends at the pool.
If anybody didn't get that I'll have to vurtua slap you! 15381
キングダムハーツII You've got to know what that is 15378
*gives cookies anyways* Super Smash Bros Melee was when he said that line! 15373