his sleights need to be broken so have 0 cards. as long as you break you shouldn't have much trouble... he is Eeaasy!
I still have mine. Super Smash bros was amazing... I remember when my dad came in and started playing Star Wars Rouge Squadron... I can't believe i never beat that. now it's easy!
Kairi... no doubt. although she looks like a competitor in survivor They didn't really have her next design yet, so... yeah. she looked kind of fat to me....
What hits were there, do you still have one? just talk about N64 games and stuff. Just recently got Star Fox 64, a must have.
be back in 10.... DEBU NOTE!
oooooooooookaaaaaaay... exactly why are you so damned popular alice?
I heard of some DN parody called Dance Note With DJ Ryuk.... anyone point me to it? 16462
1. FFVII (all FFVII parts) 2. Kingdom hearts series 3. Tales of Series 4. Smash bros series 5. NO NUMBER 5!
Who cares if solid snake swings the other way (not really...) who cares if Marluxia is suspiciously iffeminete they are not real!
I was 5 episodes away from that too! *eats ice cream* *throws ice cream away* L ate ice cream... 16457
they told me something that happens to L... :( 16448
I AM KIRA!!! *writes names in Death Note* << a friend just spoiled part of DN for me... :( 16443
Me... I am... Kira... (lol) I call myself Doggie-sama. I only like FR members calling me that tho... call me DogBoyX
Doggie Sama is back! 16427
Exactly... NO ATLANTICA!!! the singing ruined it...
Tales of Symphonia for GCN (gamecube) a gamecube essential
oh crap... I posted one! *runs in circles* anyways, self explainitory.
bump 16393
I'm just random... Got it memorized?
fake in more than 1 way... 1. Nomura says next KH game is NOT KH3 2. Why would disney content be rated T? 3. look at the side, PS KH games have New Roman font... not KH font