Oh.. Come ON! I just thought the same thing, that keyblades were made from souls or hearts.
Only for art?! same here...
very true... But Action movies with excessive romance... Blech.
of course... anti-grav hair gel... It's a video game, makes no sense.
khfreak87 in 1st and 2nd?! He's got it made...
Romance in books can be annoying if excessive, but romance is okay in books.
actually... i checked and edited... I actually doubted it alot but kinda fooled me too... still looks ugly.
I almost always agree with *Oblivion*... It's weird!
Exactly what i meant... but it's still there! Music, Movies, TV, Magazines, Videogames and everything else, Video Games, not so much tho...
You have got to be frickin' kidding me... agreed.... If it were real though...
Advent Children even had some romance... but only a little... Almost every anime and show has it too... gawd, these directors are lonely
I'm hookedon apples and Death Note
I know! WHY ARE WE AGREEING SO MUCH!? Romance has even been taking over comedies... I barely ever watch movies because of this hostile takeover. Shrek 3: some romance (blech... ogre romance) POTC3: Romance Spiderman 3: romance... Its getting annoying
I wonder what my little title should be... help me think plz
dodge or break basically... break if you can't dodge dodge if you can
16621 2 more months...
I am random that is all
good. Colouring; nice Style; great Effects; Perfecto You've been using spidey alot.
august 1st - roman republic - september 2nd - september massacares - First Coalition http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Coalition
you can actually easily tell who it is due to the design being similar to that of Kairi's in KH1...