At my friends birthday part last year, I went dressed up as Roxas from Org. XIII. It was pretty rad. They called me the black blob. :O
Banned for banning yourself.
Banned for posting before me. :yelling:
Holy crap LOL!
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (or whatever the hell it's called) That WILL be the book of Ultimate Pwnage! :yelling:
Simba- King of Pride Rock
Roxas is hot. :woohoo:
Something told me it could have been better, but I gave up before I had any good ideas. :bored: I'm getting better, I think. :dead:
I LOVE the heart in the middle! I'm not an expert with siggies (I'm just starting too) but I think it's good!
:yelling: :bored: :yelling: :bored: :yelling: :bored: :yelling: :bored: :yelling:
Yeah, that's what I used. No other tutorials made sense. X_X
I updated mah list. :yelling: Cartman- South Park Bloo- FHFIF Cheese- FHFIF Robin- Teen Titans Bender- Futurama Stewie- Family Guy Rock Lee- Naruto (I LUFF HIS YOUTH! :yelling:)
Sora- Roxas's nobody
Lunar- the moon stuff that Saix uses.
X_______________________________________________________X I want Brian Donovan on NarutoFans NOW! :yelling: :yelling: :yelling: :yelling: :yelling: :yelling: :yelling: :yelling: :yelling:
A wielder who duels.
I want Brian Donovan on NarutoFans NOW! :yelling: :yelling: :yelling: :yelling: :yelling: :yelling: :yelling: :yelling: :yelling:
O.O My favorite ^
:huh: Someone...who likes french fries. :bored:
I lol'd hard!! XDDDDDDDDDd