Lol, I luff Zexion. I must say, your chapters are GREAT. I feel horrible for Roxas though. =\ Keep writing! :yelling:
Axel on floor freakin' 13! :yelling: Damn, I STILL CAN'T BEAT HIM!! It's been yeeeears....:bored:
Pokemon used to be fun, but it got super SUPER old after the what? 12th game? I love Diamond and all, but isn't it getting a bit TOOO old?
No, probably not. Around my area, I've heard it's full of bugs that haven't really been quite figured out yet. Plus I don't have enough money. :huh:
T_T Fine, leave then. Just kidding *youthful punch on the arm* See you soon. :D
Roxas- Hawt and cuddable. :3
I did once...I thought my mom and dad left me for good. XD
Gummi- The ship thingers....:bored:
SoraxRiku = WIN :yelling: AkuRoku = FAIL :bored:
I like Harry (His hair is TERRIBLE in the next movie) Ron, Snape, Dumblydore, and a few others. :3
T_T All the HSM commercials burn my eyes.
Ah, join the club. It's quite boring at 3 in the morning. ^_^
I have to agree with this. Of course, I don't go to church, and I don't bow at Bible every chance I get. But if I'm right, the Bible does claim that people who like the same sex are instantly sent to Hell. (Do correct me if I'm wrong, I've only been to church twice in my life) I think people are too set on religion in these circumstances...maybe it's time to stop doing what the Bible says, and think about the rights...
I thought playing as a girl with clown shoes looked pretty fun. (I thought Sora was a girl. X_X)
HSM in 7 words... Rotting cancerous flesh that needs to die.
Holy crap, it's really hard not to laugh...
I LIKE CEREAL! :yelling: Banned for saying Jube is good for me.
Sora and Goofy. :P
Banned for being a klone? :huh: