Yen Sid- Disney spelled backwards.
I'd totally dress up as Roxas. :3
Roxas- Sora's nobody.
Ah, suspense. >:3 Gaaah! Keep writing! ^_^
Eh, beats me. :3 Maybe Donald was able to poof them...? *sighs at lack of imagination*
High School Musical 2- Needs to die and put everyone out of their misery Happy Feet 2- I look foward to it. (not really...)
You better be. Or I'll have to drag you to the nearest computer by teh ear. :yelling:
Knowing myself, a couple of months. It took me about half a month to read the HBP, sooo...:stupid:
Sick. Just sick. What else can I say? I can't believe some *******s in the world actually have the GUTS to do something like this. Roxas couldn't be more right. They deserve something far FAR worse than just a few nights in jail.
Underworld- A world in KH2
I don't really think differently of Radcliffe just because of the play...Though I wish i could see it. O.O
You sound familiar...:blink: Yeah... Ello my duckie, and welcome to the forum! Post lots, don't spam, and have a cookie!
Miiiiilk. :luv:
*feels rejected out of hell* :nono: Ah well.
The game was supposed to be a bridge between Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts 2. It was made so you had a tiny clue about what KH2, so you wouldn't get confused. (I think. :blink:)
Lion- The species that Sora was in a world. :blink:
Dragostea Den Tei BlissCo Remix. :yelling:
I have to agree though. And I HIGHLY doubt they'll search for replacing actors.
I laugh at your misfortunes. (Not really) *gives you some more ice-cream* :3
I hate how the gov'ment waste money on making such idiotic laws. I understand, it's for safety and such, but holy CRAP...:nerve: