High School Musical made me cry. The fail was too overwhelming.
I lol'd. (Did I post here yet? Oh well...) I hate...no LOATHE High School Musical with my life. The actors are TERRIBLE, the singing SUCKS, the director needs to be put down, the whole thing is so immature, it makes me want to pull the hair out of my head. High School Musical = HARDCORE FAIL!
Jack Sparrow wins out Will Turner by a mile.
Exactly. I can't believe some people would rather slam Harry Potter than any other magicey type of story. Yeah, I understand Narnia and Lord of the Rings had some mentions of God in it, but Christ on a 2x4, that doesn't give anyone any rights to burn the book or send hate mail to Rowling. Like I said before, it's people like Betty in that quote that seriously PISS ME OFF.
Agreed. This is exactly why irks me off. People who can't get their head out of the damn Bible don't have the freakin' eyes to see this. Good God...
You rock my socks, sir. :luv:
4kids eh? The bloody 'ell's that? (T.T Forgive the n00bness) I have heard something about Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh and 4kids a little while back...
Paaaaaaaaahahahahaha. Welcome back ma'am.
Why did Michael Jackson accompny you in your date? O_o Do I smell a rape?
(Forsaken Shadow, your siggy made my self esteem go down quite a bit XD) I LOVED the OOTP. I'm definatly going to see it again...I think it's better than all 4 of the movies...
Yah, I kinda don't know how to do that shiiiz yet. T_T The Patrick siggy makes me hang my head in SHHHAAAME. I still think it's fail.
Holy crap, PAINT?! That's really good!
...A note?! What the hell? As ~Koneko~ said, what you read is your choice, NOT YOUR PARENTS. As "Betty" might have mentioned, some people think that Harry Potter has insulted Christmas and Easter...which makes no sense whatsoever. Damn, I wouldn't even SPIT in her direction...
Yeah I know, my siggies FAIL HARD. No need to tell meh. I don't even think I've improved one bit...ah, why do I try? -___- I did try some of the advice people have given me, but....it still sucks. >.> Shuuuuuddap. T_T
(Lol, thank you ^_^) It's people like her that seriously PISS ME OFF.
Did I post here yet? T_T I don't think I really need to explain my favorite member *points at username*
I wouldn't get a Myspace if my life depeneded on it. All I have is a Livejournal account, which I'm going to delete in a few days...
Some other people's views on the book, if you're interested. fic·tion - [fik-shuhn] –noun 1. The class of literature comprising works of imaginative narration, esp. in prose form. 2. Works of this class, as novels or short stories: detective fiction. 3. Something feigned, invented, or imagined; a made-up story As some of you might have noticed, a lot of people seem to be BSing about the Harry Potter series, thinking that they will be "sent to Hell", it will "inspires their kids to perform witchcraft" and "condemn them for life" by reading one freakin' page of the damn book. I'm sick and tired of people complaining about these books, personally. It seems a lot of people have also blamed Potter for school shootings, gay icons, Death Eaters supporting the KKK, ect. I honestly think this is the biggest bunch of bull**** ever. How can you possibly expect a BOOK to cause this crap?! Dear freakin' God, it's all in people's heads. Like I said in other posts, it's time to get your head out of the Bible, and think about reality. I honestly think people are taking religion and this series waaaaaay too seriously. (As usual) The book, is FICTION, meaning it's not real. (See the definition above) If I point a wand at someone and shout "Avada Kedavra", they WON'T die. Apparently there are other people out there who think otherwise. If someone actually thinks all this stuff is real, they need a sit-down with someone to talk it all over. Me, being more of an Atheist than a Christan, can't really see why someone would think about the books this way. I find the books are written for entertainment, not to burden people and their kids with witchcraft and such. So what do you think about it? (I hope you all know I wasn't trying to flame people's views on religion and crap like that. I'm just trying to get my point heard.)
I honestly think that people are taking homosexuality a bit too far with the hatred at all. Why do you hate homosexuals? The bible says they're evil (or whatever, I don't give a crap about the bible) I honestly think people depend on the Bible too much nowadays. They seem to care more about their religion than other people's decisions in life. I think they need to get their damn heads out of the Bible for one second, if possible, and coem back to reality. (Some of this might not seem true; this is a lot of what I see in my state.)
Exactly...I can't see why parents wouldn't want their kids to learn about sex in school...since teenage pregnancy rates are higher than they've ever been, and that's all we can keep our mind on anymore. Yeah, it's kinda weird to be talking about such topics with your health teacher, but suck it up. T_T