You've done it again, Cin! :O
;.; How do you do it? I'd totally buy that if that was a shirt!
I can't find mahself. X3 Ah well, it was pwnsome anyway.
I was about to say I'd bake you extra cookies if that would make you stay...oh well. Take then anyway, and have fun! ^_^
Spider pig...spider pig...does whatever a spider pig does. XD It sounds pretty hawt.
I think it depends. I say 'goddamn it' all the time. Agreed with Silver_Bullet
I actually like Sora's voice better than the others. He actually sounds kinda in his age...
Hmph. I don't care what Nomura says, I still think Reno and Axel are tied somehow.
I have to have 30 hours in order to pass high school.... Lucky for me, marching band takes care of all that.
Demyx is hard for me. Dx Yeah, it's pretty patheitc.
Male: Brian Female: Cassie
That fight made me lol HARD. XD I have to admit, he is pretty pathetic... =\
HSM is kinda like this:
I took typing lessons in 6th grade, so I don't look at all...unless I want to see how fast I can type.... Soooz?....
You made these? *gasp* I luff the Roxas one... Mind if I use one? ^_^
Ello my duckie, and welcome to the forums! Post lots, don't spam, and have a cookie?
I couldn't agree more.
THAT IS DISGUSTING!(In a sick minded way) I can't believe someone would actually have the guts to do such a cruel thing...while it's still concious too! Ugh...
Alright, this sounds good! Thanks. :3
Oh cool! I'll have to buy it. >:3