Well, you have to pay for Painter, but GIMP and oC are free*. *Okay, it's been a while since I've used oC. Apperantly portal graphics has started selling it, and is requiring purchase of serial keys to download the older versions that were originally free. Sorry about that ******edness. Anyway, here's the download page for GIMP [assuming you run a Windows OS]
Nevermind, fixed, blah etc.
I wouldn't mind at all. She's from a game called To Heart 2, and I've got several more CGs/fanarts of her. I'll PM them to you. 6848
I don't tend to take things personally anyway. :3 It's not completely the fact that it's in English, but just that it makes the drawing seem really.....bastardizingly American otaku-ish.
You can buy Adobe Photoshop online via the website. You can also get it by means that I'm not sure are allowed to explain on here.... If you can't purchase it, GIMP is a sufficient alternate. EP: Yeah, Wacom? I got Elements with that too, but I already had CS2 before it, and in comparison it's not very reasonable. I don't use PS that often anyway. I mostly work in Corel Painter. For coloring I highly suggest you use Painter or OpenCanvas. OC is free, so it's all the more efficient. Contrary to popular belief, PS isn't very good for CGing. You'll notice most artists use OC or Painter.
That picture looks very druggy-ish. Now I feel compelled to post some Yakui. :3 6817
Alice delivers [the KH2 pics you were talking about CSI Girl?]: lol, I *attempted* cosplay once. I miserably failed X3 I'll post a picture if you want, but I can't guarantee you'll be satisfied lawl.
6812 HB: I'm liking the Lucy MM avatar ;3
THAT COMMERCIAL WAS MADE OF EPIC, AND WIN. >:3 I remember I had seen it while eating breakfast, and later that night I saw on the Colbert show. Soon enough, Corty had a GIF of it set as his avatar. BTW, that would be HEAD ON. And it goes "Apply directly to the forehead." No 'it'. I don't know if anyone has seen it, but HEAD ON actually made a commercial mocking their own. It's so awesome.
That's good to hear. It's when I see myself going for the same general placement all the time. It gives a a lack of creativity. Please do~
The best part is you watch these reality shows like Next and Parental Control, and the lines are totally scripted! Really MTV, way to fail. X3
Yes, I know there is quality control~ I'm referring to the kind of JPEG artifacts you get when you save in MSP or low quality in PS. Anyway, it almost looks like you ran over it with a light mosaic. I think my eyes are blendered after seeing my friend in this shirt with really thin and tightly packed blackxwhite stripes. *~* It's almost head ache inducing to look at her in that... I don't know, it doesn't appear that sooth to me for some reason.
Heh, when I'm not being an anatomy nazi, perspective is the next one. And since your grasp on anatomy is very developed, I couldn't really complain about anything. :3
I was just about to say that too lol. The area around the bottom of the text looks...how to say...JPEGGY..?...I guess that word works...[lawl].
Are there any massive neg raids on your reputation log?
Curiously, you don't seem to have one. You don't have 1,000+ posts~ ...perhaps some threads got deleted?
Good lord, if you want to say something to me, please do. I'd rather know, really. I'm not going to start a "OMG UR SOOO MEAN!1SHIFT!!1" flaming rant if you tell me that your thoughts on my previous statement. On a random sidenote, I just noticed how many times I use the word 'seriously' in a day's time.
The perspective for this picture is really weird. Either they're all arranged in a way that makes the person behind them significantly taller, or you tried to get a kind of aerial view so you could see all the faces clearly. The thing is with the perspective tilted up slightly it doesn't show that in the angles at which you have the characters drawn at.
Would you like me to PM you the story of my life? I don't want to be an emo cvnt about this. But seriously, things are going to happen in life. I know I being a betch right now, but seriously, saying things like that isn't an excuse. My apologies if you're offended.
Um, NO IT WASN'T. Please stop taking everything I say so personally. I didn't even direct that statement towards you, thank you. But Christ, do you even think about the context of a sentence? Maybe I was simply using those terms in a usage relating to knowledge of such topics...