Hmmm....let's see here.... Well, I'm not seeing it. Could you perhaps point out to me where you said you wanted us to give you nothing but useless 'it's so awesome' posts?
I like how this is all summed up in an average of the results of 4 questions. Very decisive, you are.
You know you loved it. Roxllen: It's typed backwards, naw duh I can read it. 6879
Dude, I'm not going to lie about the flaws so I don't hurt your feelings. If you wanted a bunch of sugar-coated "OMG hes soOo kawaii u r a really good drawer ^^" comments then you should have told us. You said 'comment', not lie to you. Accepting criticism is part of life, as well as becoming a better artist.
He's not being harsh...merely bringing to light what parts of the sig don't work well.
Yeah, Japan used to even have vending machines in certain *ahem* stores with supposed schoolgirl's used panties. Japan is a very pedophiliac/perverted country. Yet, we still love them. Heh, the thing is all the girls in the DOA series are like that. XD My friend says they should make a loli character for irony. FUNFACT: The creator of the DOA series, Tomonobu Itagaki, was charged with sexual harassment by one of his female employees.
Well, you've been posting EPIC WIN so much lately I assumed that you were a frequent of 4chan. You must not be familiar with the meme: I DIVIDED BY ZERO OH SHI- 6876
Yeah, it's Kasumi from the Dead or Alive series. I really don't like her character, but I knew I couldn't pull off a passable Ayane. :p Here's a cap of her. You'll notice what I mean by 'lacking' XD DOA anatomy is skankeh In that picture her hair is loose, but in DOA4, as some people don't know, you can change hairstyles by pressing X Y or START. You can also do things like give Lei Fang glasses and change their colors with buttons like Rb, LB, plus X or Y, etc. Ugh, now I miss playing that game ;_; *wishes she had her 360 with her*
D: You have no taste. Rat: lol I'm such a skank ;o
Yeah, this whole DIVIDE BY ZERO OH SHI- thing that's been going on the thread is becoming quite the annoyance. 6873 HB: I'll upload those Lucy pics to my PB in a bit. I'll give you the guest password tomorrow.
Pfft. My boyfriend used to have an emo swoop. Emo swoops are hawt.
They are far too long for the backs. He is going to fall over any second!~ :O
Everyone, that isn't me cosplaying. CSI Girl asked about this cosplayer's KH2 set so I posted them for her. If that was me I would have gone under some serious cosmetic surgery :P. This is one of the pictures I posted several pages back of myself. And this is my cosplay attempt. Obviously I'm lacking some of the necessary requirements for the character lol...and yeah, fake braid is very fake looking. :3
.....Wait what? 'Put out'? Oh lawd, is that referring to what I think it is?
THIS STATEMENT IS MADE OF WIN AND GOD X3 Also: I think my exclusiveness is in danger. D: Someone else here knows how to put flash into sigs >.>
And Sora acts 8 in KH2 :|...*sigh* I guess that's what I get when Disney comes into the picture X3
Wow, last time I checked most 8 ear olds don't develop full [american] A cups. ;3 Unless they're really overweight or something.... And Kairi isn't that skinny in KH2. I'm that thin proportion wise, and I'm definitely not anorexic. Dieting? Oh hellz to the naw. :|
Wings are like kemonomimi. It's a whored niche style that tons of artists throw into their work/characters. I think it looks pretty tacky myself, but I guess some people find it appealing...
Yeah, obviously Axe exaggerates the effect. But I don't think all the Axe versions smell bad. My boyfriend uses Kilo, and I think it smells pretty nice ;o