Yeah, I know. I've seen the original stock before. :p
With the psychedelic background and his eyes like that it makes him look like he's on drugs. X3
Um...yeah, some of us did tell you why. Go back and read, please.
So I'm assuming he was the one who made the fake alt darkelven123? HEY MODS, CAN YOU BAN BY IP ADDRESS?~
What a prick. D: I agree with Mish, he could have at least told you in person for Christ's sake.
Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan, yes? That's not really considered a morbid series though. There is blood, but the whole concept revolves around romance for the most part. I wouldn't necessarily recommend it. BTW, the spiky club is called an escaliborg ;3 On topicness, my firned tells me Berserk is pretty grotesque.
The exuberantly bright colors overall aren't working very well with the dark background. I think you should go for something a little less bubbly if you know what I mean. The text appears too round with the depth that you've tried to add. It distorts the mood of the picture. Some lighting and effects would be beneficial to overall appearance as well.
Um, I think he wanted an example. Not an unsupported statement.
Yeah, I do. That was a horrible typo >.>
Although I do not approve of anyone the Hedghog, I must say you're excuse for Axel is quite the plausible statement. :3
We could add phosphorous to the composition [not chemically, since I'm not quite sure how that would affect the properties] It's too bad Radon and Neon are completely inert elements. If they were we could make it green [Mercury] and radio active!~ :D
Neither can I. Literally. You guys are actually going to believe what that person posted? My god, this is so obviously fake.
No problem, by the way for future reference, there is a max upload option in PB. :3
Magic wand bad!~ >:3 Try using the magnetic lasso. :p Keep the tolerance low.
The edging is just a result of poor extraction. What tool did you use to extract Demyx? Also: Christ, are you running an 800x600 monitor? D:
X3, I think of the same thing when I see a cute kid singing really badly on an insurance commercial. It's like, "How is that related to my car at all?" Saix: That must be a Wisconsin thing. I live in Michigan, and that doesn't commonly happen to people. One time I tried this spray tan crap, just for the hell of it, and I got the worst rash ever on my legs. It sucked so bad. ;_; My legs were all red and swollen with congregating bumps. I've never tried to use tanning stuff again...
...In some levels, but what exactly are you referring to? That I type in well written sentences? :3
I thought you were referring to "I already did" in the context of you had already stated so in OP. Anyway, my mistake.
That's not fair, there aren't any vowels in two of the words~ XD 6882