Well, he intentionally hacked it, but he didn't want it to get to these immense numbers.
Oh christ. ;_; Wait, should I take this as a compliment? XD ...You've been in the picture thread too, haven't you? D:
Hmmm....It seems you're implying some sort of KairixRoxas pairing. I can't say I'm all for that, but blah. :p
This part from Lucky Star just popped into my head.
I don't do anything if my post was the last one, but if it isn't I try to necrobump it. NECROBUMP <3 I love that word.
lol, When I said "You should go for different poses" I was implying something a little more 'dynamic' or something in action, but it's still good to see that you're breaking out of that set mold for your concept art.
I think there's like three levels of quality game designers use for cutscenes. Highest - Movie style, ending and opening sequences. Average - The normal cutscene, it's not at all as high quality as movie, but is above in-game graphics. Lowest - Some cutscenes use this level, insignificant ones particularly. Also the quality of in-game graphics. People ranting about PS3. KH [whatever it will be] isn't going to come out for a while. By then, no one will even be making games for the PS2 [as they don't for the original XBOX anymore]. Prices of the PS3 will have dropped by then, and most of you'll be fine. :3
No problem, glad to help. :3 Yeah, I'm an intense perfectionist. ;_; Not the kind who like cries though when they get anything below Above average though. ^^;
Umm...I'm guessing you don't want to become a better artist? There isn't much point if you're content with your mistakes. AerithRose sounds like she would like to improve, so I pointed out what doesn't fit well. When I make a drawing and someone points out what's wrong with it I care. I mean, you can be born with abilities but you most likely will have to spend time developing and molding them. If anyone, I care. Just because someone with lower standards than me who doesn't tend to draw tells me "It looks great" just because it's better than their's, doesn't mean it's satisfactory for me.
This is a redline. :3 Basically I just take your picture into Photoshop, Painter, or any other painting/photo manip. program with layers. I make a transperant layer, and kind of correct the flaws. Okay, there were a few things that I found in the top. The angle you had her head tilted at was rather unnatural so I moved it downwards a bit a aligned the features with it. I tried to keep your style of eyes and such in there but I just couldn't keep the nose [sorry, you don't have to make it like that anyway :p]. It also seemed like you were trying to make her hair blow in the wind somewhat, but it appeared to be in one mass. Her hair didn't really look like...well, hair. I seperated strands and made it look a little more free. As eastercat said, her shoulders were too far back. This is gonna bring up a lot of other anatomy problems in the torso and arm placing, but I'll help with that later. Her breast didn't seem to have any defining starting line so I made that clearer, and that's about it. For the things I didn't correct, in comparison to her upper body and head her torso and below her pelvis are very foreshortened/small. They'll also be a bit out of position if you choose to change her shoulders, but I'll get to that tomorrow when I have the patch worked out Corel PainterX. Right now I have a corrupted patch going for oC, so I can't save anything. The above picture is just a screencap. I hope this helps~
Some of the features and the hair are a little off for the angle you have it set at. I'll do a redline in a sec to show you what I mean. OpenCanvas is almost done downloading [You seriously don't want me to do it in MS Paint >.>....]
Well, I guess it depends on coordination as to how you can interpret the images into your movements. I'm able to use th arcade platformed kind all the time [I hate those mats]. My uncle use to manage a Gameworks, so when they got a different version I guess he got it. I think the bar makes it significantly easier. When I started using the bar I went from B rank on Marisa Stole the Precious Thing, to S. It lets you move so much faster than standing directly on the platform alone. On a side note: other than last year's required physical conditioning class, DDR has been my only source of exercise other than walking to classes or generally around the house or mall. X3 Xigbar: After reading that horrible concoction which you call 'typing' I think I just mentally vomited. Learn how to farking type hunt and pecker. D:
That means you just dress the style. That makes you SCENE, not emo.
I got my boyfriend to wear a pair of my pants once. *hahahahaha*
FIXED~ ♪lol, my message is too short♪
Moreover it's in the middle, what is with people and aligning their text to the middle? This is Spam Zone. It doesn't matter. ;3
It's a natural reaction of the body to stay awake before it triggers vomiting ;3
He actually died? I'm rather appauled at the fact that this isn't a hoax. Nanaki, was it you who said you lived relatively near him? Anyway, I can't say I knew him or any thing of the like, but my sympathies go out to his family and friends~
LIVE ACTION GOOOO WHERE IS YOUR GOD NOW??! Oh lawd, live action? There's only been one successful movie in live action that has originated from anime/manga/videogames. And that was the Death Note live action movies. Those were good, but Kingdom Hearts? Please, don't encourage him.